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I was about to go down the stairs towards the living room when I heard someone arguing.

' Hiro-nii ? Shin-kun ? '

I wanted to go and stop their argument but something told me not to.

Hiro : Why did you tell them ?!

Midorima : I know I wasn't supposed to but they are still my friends. They need to know what had happened to Tetsuya.

Hiro : After what they did to him ?! Because of them, we almost lost Tetsu !

I don't understand what they are talking about.

Shin-kun didn't answer Hiro-nii.

Hiro : Those bastards betrayed him, threw him away like some sort of trash ! Tetsu doesn't need people like them !

' Betrayed ? '

I felt a sudden pain in my chest and my head started to hurt.

Flashes of memories began playing in my head.

Then , it all went dark.

I could hear a faint voice calling my name.

"Hiro-nii ? "



Me and Shintarou were talking.. Well, more like arguing when I heard a loud thump behind me.

I saw a faint teal blue hair, laying on the floor infront of the staircase.

" Tetsu ! "

When I call out to him, I could hear Tetsu say my name before he lost consciousness.

Midorima : I've already called the ambulance. They should be here in a few minutes.

I couldn't concentrate on what Shintarou said, my mind went blank when I saw Tetsu's condition.

' Please wake up, Tetsu. I can't go through this again '



Midorima : Otou-san ! How's Tetsuya??

Shun : Tetsuya's still unconscious but he's stable. He just went in shock and hit his head when he fell. Did something happen ?

They both didn't answer Dr. Midorima's question.

He sigh and told them to let Tetsuya rest for now.

Two days have passed.

Tetsuya finally regained consciousness with a blank expression on his face.

Shun : Good morning, Tetsuya. How are you feeling right now?

Tetsuya : Shun-san. What happened ?

Shun : You fell from the stairs and hit your head. You've been unconscious for two days. Do you remember?

Tetsuya them remembered what had happened.

He remembered his brother fighting with Midorima.

He remembered a certain group of rainbows.

He remembered the night of his accident.

Tetsuya : I remember everything....

Dr. Midorima was shocked.

Although it was faint but he heard everything.

Tetsuya saw a worried look on Dr. Midorima's face so he smiled weakly and told him he's fine.

Tetsuya : I think I'm just going to rest today. My head still hurts a little.

Dr. Midorima was reluctant to leave the poor boy alone but agreed.

After Dr. Midorima left the room, Tetsuya just layed on his bed, staright out the window.

' Why didn't I just die that night '

To be continued...

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