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Urgh! It's already Monday morning.

I couldn't sleep at all last night just thinking about it.

I need to confirm it. I need to talk to Midorima soon.


It was a peaceful day at Kuro High.

Tetsuya manage to get along with others and made a few new friends.

But he always made sure to spend most of his time with Midorima and his older brother.

Midorima : You don't have to worry about me, Tetsuya. You can spend time with the others.

Tetsuya : But.. I like being with you more, Shin-kun. Cause you're my best friend. I can't ?

Midorima being weak against Tetsuya's puppy eyes just gave in.

Hiro : How about me, Tetsu ? Don't you want to be with me too?

Tetsuya : Hehe~ Of course I feel the same with you too, Hiro-nii. You guys are very precious to me.

Everyone around them blushed as they saw Tetsuya's innocent smile.

' So cutee ! '

After school ended, the 3 of them went home together in the Kuroko's family car.

Midorima : Thanks for giving me a lift.

Hiro : It's no problem. You've been a great help to us. It's the least we can-

Tetsuya : Can we stop by somewhere for vanilla milkshake??

Midorima & Hiro just sweatdrop at the sudden request but just chuckled and agreed.


Tetsuya's eyes were glittering as he was holding on a large cup of vanilla milkshake.

Hiro : *sigh* You and your obsession with vanillas, Tetsu.

Tetsuya just giggles at his brother's comment.

As they were heading back to the car, happily chatting, little did they know that a group of rainbow teenagers were looking at them.

And a certain dark blue haired guy was feeling anxious, looking at the little teal blue smiling.



I just got out from bath when I heard my phone ringing.

Midorima : Hey, Tetsuya. What's wrong?

Tetsuya : Nothing, just felt like calling. Did I disturb you?

Midorima : No, I was just about to text you but you beat me to it.

Then we talked on the phone for half an hour before saying our goodnight.

But before I could place my phone down, I received a text.

I could feel my mood went down after looking at the sender.

' Why is he texting me '

From Aomine : We need to talk. Just the two of us. Please.

' He seems desperate to the point of begging me '

To Aomine : Meet me after school tomorrow. I'll text you the location tomorrow.

To be continued...

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