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Aomine has been spacing out alot ever since he met up with Midorima.

He is currently at Magi Burger with the rest of the GOM and Kagami.

Momoi : Dai-chan? Dai-chan ! Mou, are you listening ?!

Akashi : Aomine, you've been acting strange since yesterday . Did something happened?

Aomine just stared blankly at them, as if his world has turned dark.

Aomine : I.. I need to tell you guys something..

The guilt of abandoning his precious friend and former shadow has been heavy in his chest.

As he told the rest of the group about what they had done, his vision became blurry. Tears started rolling down his cheeks.

The news was too shocking for them. Total silence except for the sound of crying and sniffles.

' We did this '


' What did he just say ? '

' Kuroko got into an accident.. and it was all because of us? '

' I didn't think it would turn out like this '

' Shit! What have we.. What have I done.. '


' Kuroko almost died because of us.. because of me '

' If only I'd speak up for him that time '

' Will he ever remember us ? '

' Will I ever get my shadow back? '


Momoi : It's all of you guy's fault ! If you hadn't been so selfish ! If you hadn't been mean to him, he wouldn't have been through all of this ! He was the one that got all of you together but you guys betrayed him !

Momoi began to cry even more. Everyone started to glance at them, wondering what's all the commotion was about.

Murasakibara and Kise was trying to comfort Momoi.

The rest of the group just kept quiet, their chest began to tighten after hearing her words.

' It's all our fault '

After a few minutes later, Momoi finally calmed down and fell asleep on Aomine's shoulder.

Aomine : I think it's best if we just go home for now.

Murasakibara : Sa-chin cried so much, she needs some rest.

Kise : Akashichii, let's get Kurokochii back-ssu.

Akashi just stayed silent as they all said their goodbyes.

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