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I was shock when Midorima said he's attending the same school as Tetsu.

I'm jealous of how close they are but I'm happy to hear that he's still into basketball.

Aomine : Hey, Tetsu. Since megane  said your skills are better than us, let's have a match sometime.

I was a little nervous to ask after everything he's been through because of us but I miss playing with him.


Kuroko : Sure !

Midorima : Just don't cry when you lose.

Aomine : Wha ?! Who'd cry, stupid megane !

Kise : Haha! That'd be an interesting sight-ssu

Kagami : Yeah, that'd be a sight to see ! Hah!

Aomine : Shut up, Kise-aho , Baka-gami !


I was a little reluctant to let Tetsu meet up with them at first.

After everything they did to him.

But seeing Tetsu laugh so much right now, I just couldn't stop him.

' I'm just glad to see your smile again, Tetsu '

' But man, these idiots keep on arguing with each other is making my head hurts '

Hiro : How about you guys have a one on one match with Tetsu. Whoever loses must listen to whatever the winner says for the whole day.

Eri : That sounds interesting ! Why not have that match at our court back at home ~

Kuroko : Ehh~ Are you sure, Okaa-san?

Eri : Aw, anything for my precious baby ~

I could see everyone's shocked expression as to how we spoil Tetsu so much.

Hiro : Tetsu is our precious angel. Anyone that tries to harm him will go through us.

I smirk at them which sent shivers down their spines.



Aomine, still a hot-head, is arguing with Kise and Kagami like a bunch of childrens.

Murasakibara, not caring about others just sits on the side of the room, eating his snacks.

Akashi, standing on the other side on the room, just staring at the three idiots arguing.

' He must be thinking of shutting them up with his scissors '

I guess Shin-kun heard me chuckled cause he suddenly smiled at me.

At first, I was scared of facing them. Many thoughts ran through my mind.

What if they still don't want me ? What if they still gonna leave me ?

I was scared. I don't want to be abandoned by those people who I call friends.

But when Shin-kun hold my hand, his warm and kind hands just calms me.

I'm glad I made the decision to face them today.

I'm glad to see everyone together again like we used to.

Even though the past gave me heartache which cause a little trauma in me.

But in this new life, let's make lots of happy memories together !


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