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After school has ended for the day, the little teal blue was seen standing at the school entrance.

Tetsuya was busy reading his book while waiting for Hiro, not realizing the attention he's getting.

Suddenly, he heard a familiar voice calling out to him. He quickly turn towards the direction of the voice.

His eyes started to shine in excitement.

Tetsuya : Shin-kun ! What are you doing here?!

Midorima : Hey, Tetsuya. Long time no see.

Hiro : Starting tomorrow, he's going to be your classmate. We just finished talking to Aunt Tsuna about his transfer.

Tetsuya : Really?! Then we'll be together from now on? How come I didn't know bout thiss.

Hiro : Heh~ I told you I got a surprise for you today

Midorima : Gomen2, Tetsuya. Hiro-san told me to keep it a secret from you.

Tetsuya pouts at them for keeping a secret but deep down, he's happy.

Meanwhile, a group of rainbow was gathered at their usual meet up spot ; Magi Burger.


Damn that Satsuki, dragging me here right after the last bell rang.

I wonder why Akashi told us to meet up. It sounded important.

Also, Kise has been acting weird since we got here.

Everyone just stayed quiet until Akashi finally spoke up.

Akashi : The reason why I called everyone here is because of a text I received from Kise last night.

" A text ? What's so important about that ? "


noticed Akashi was looking at Kise's direction.

Kise : Actually.. After I've finished my work, and was on my way to the convenience store.. I saw a guy with blue hair, exiting from here..

" Wait.. Did he just said blue hair ? "

Satsuki : Blue hair ?! Was is Tetsu-kun ?!

Murasakibara : Ehh, Kise-chin saw Kuro-chin?

Kise hesitated.

Aomine : What the hell, Kise ! Just spit it out !

Kise : I don't know-ssu ! It looked like Kuroko-chii but..

Akashi : Kise told me that the guy he saw was different from the Kuroko that we know.

" What does that mean ?! "

I heard Akashi sigh before he continues speaking.



When I saw everyone was speechless, I told them everything that I know.

Starting from the part that he went MIA the past few months until the information that I just found out.

Akashi : As I said, they've transferred to America in the past and after I got the text from Kise yesterday, I've found out that they've just arrive here that same day.

Aomine : America?! Why did he transfer there and didn't even tell us anything ?

Satsuki : And what did Kise mean by  Tetsu-kun being different from before ?

There was a moment of silence in the air.

I too was curious as to what he meant by Kuroko being different.

Kise : You all know how Kuroko-chii has always had his deadpan look on his face. And how low his presence was.

Another silent pause.

Kise : Yesterday.. I could clearly felt his presence even from afar.. And his expression.. He was genuinely showing of emotions..

Everyone was shocked and confused after listening to Kise's explanation.

Honestly, I'm still unsure as to what he meant by it.

How can the Kuroko Tetsuya that is know for his emotionless expression, made Kise react so much about it.

" I'll need to search for more info after this "

To be continued...

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