I always found you besides me(Ro-jaddu)

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One person can be seen hyper excited in room where group was gather. As if on clue phone rang and one person answered it saying " Hello"

" -----------"

" Okay I'll inform others too , you don't worry" said first person.

" What happened jinks, when is he coming " asked the hyper excited one.

" Ummm....jaddu Ro is not coming today due to some whether condition he didn't get permission to fly here so he will join us in Sydney itself " said jinks winking towards ash.

Understanding jinks ash tried his best not to laugh at jaddu's uncharacteristic sad face and asked him "why are you sad jaddu ,it not like you won't get to meet him at all, it's just you will meet him after 3 days."

Trying to act as his usual self jaddu laughed and said" I m not sad , its just that I'll have to wait for 3 more days to prank him , anyway I need to call reeva and talk with my ramlal" .

" Ramlal who jaddu " asked pujji for first time looking out of his book.

" Pujji ramlal my horse , remember I told you about him on the way to hotel after practice " said jaddu.

Confused pujii searched for some help and saw ash nodding his head so he too nodded and jaddu left from there grinning.

Once ash made sure jaddu was out of ear range he asked " when is he coming "

Smiling jinks replied " in evening , when whole squad is gather for Hi-tea ".

"Okay but why did you lie to jaddu ," asked ash.

" something along the way to surprise him and prank him , he didn't mention it clearly you know both are idiot's" said jinks chuckling.

Time skip

Whole team and support staff was gather in hotel's restaurant for hi- tea. That time someone made his entry.

Jaddu was trying to see who it is and as soon as person came in his full view , he was on his feets running towards his idiotic friend and did their friendly bum and hugged him. And looked behind to jinks and gave him look like 'you betrayed me' and jinks shakes his heads and points his figure at Ro as if telling it's all Ro's plan.

After meeting everyone and having bit catching up with coach and jinks , finally looking around Ro asked jinks "where is jaddu ?"

" I think he went to his room and even I saw ash going behind him" replied jinks.

" Okay then I'll go and unpack, later on I'll visit jaddu" said Ro.

" Ro you can meet jaddu on the way to room as your room is in middle of jaddu and mine " said jinks.

"Okay then see you later " said Ro and went towards his room.

Here in jaddu's room

Jaddu was behaving uncharacteristically since morning and now ash was both curious and concerns for his spin twin . So when he saw jaddu going towards room even when whole squad was lounging downstairs so he decided to followed jaddu so he can try getting some answers out of him.

" Jad why did you come up here suddenly when everyone is downstairs" asked ash entering in jaddu's room.

" Oooh hey Ashley , I just came up to relax " shrugged jaddu.

Ashwin just send a glare towards jaddu as if saying 'not that name ' and asked " jad what is wrong , you are not behaving like yourself."

Listening this jaddu laughed in jaddu like manner and said " nothing is wrong ash, it's just ______"

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