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Hey guys!!!!!

Finally I'm back to earth....

You may think what I'm talking about....sooooo to tell you guys about it...... yesterday was the day for me.... finally for once my manifesting worked.

I finally got the chance to meet him and take a selfie with him...

And this Him is none other than My Ro (our Ro for Rohitian) The Rohit Sharma the Hitman of cricket and our Captain.

From getting his small glimpse on Friday after match to getting chance to meet him and take selfie was something just dream.....which I started dreaming from the moment I booked Trident Hotel to surprise my sister for her birthday.

It was so unreal experience like i had lost all hopes of meeting Ro. And had already gotten in Car to leave when my sister spotted Ritika coming out from hotel and behind her was Rohit.

I was just froze and as if on instin i was about to just record video from car....but my sisters literally shouted at me "see Rohit....go out idiot ask for Picture like you wanted."

And in trans i literally ran out of car and Shouted " Rohit can I get a selfie please"

You can say it was my lucky day because he nodded to me like saying yes.

And in my trans i just took one selfie like which i asked and literally ran back to car with shivering hands and stupid big grin stuck to my face.

As the moment started sinking in i got to think did i even say thank you to Ro for selfie.... because i seriously can't remember anything....i just remembered him posing for selfie with me and I just clicked one photo....and usually i click 2-3 pictures just to be sure but this time like my brain was not working....i just took one picture with him which turn out be  perfect because it had Ro and nothing else mattered.

You can say I'm still not over that moment yet and won't be getting over it anytime soon.

And please don't think I wrote this to brag or anything....its just i couldn't stop myself from sharing my happiness with you guys.

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