(Ro-Ishan-Virat) part 1

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Virat was passing by hotel lobby when he saw Ishan waving his hand like bidding someone goodbye.

So he decided to look in that direction and saw that Ishan was waving to none other than Ro and he even spotted Shiki with Ro in car.

So when Ishan turn he came face to face with Virat's questioning face and before he could ask him anything Rahul came there running with his kit.

Both Ishan and Virat stopped him asking " why are you running Rahuliya / Rahul "

" Umm...guys they will leave without me ....m already late no time to answer " saying this he was about to run when Virat hold his hand and made him stop.

So sighing Rahul answered "  I'm going for optional practice and if I don't hurry up then Ro and Shiki will leave without me as they don't know I'm also joining them."

" Umm... Rahul but bhaiya and Shiki Bhai just Gaye in car " said Ishan.

" WHAT !!! They went already 😩 now coach will make me do Extra laps" mumbled Rahul going out towards another car.

Virat and Ishan looked at each other and sighed. And when Ishan was about to leave he received someone's call and seeing the caller ID he smiled so getting curious Virat peeked in his phone to see but couldn't see screen properly. Ishan answered the calling saying " Bhabhi I made bhaiya have his lunch before he left for practice and I even kept him company since morning and even planned on doing same thing once he returns."

______ (caller speaks )

" Ha Bhabhi he was sad and angry but I made sure to change his mood and even Sikhi Bhai helped " Ishan was saying unaware that certain someone was burning with jealous.

" Ha ha Bhabhi you don't worry I'll take care of bhaiya and make him talk to you soon....he won't stay angry at you much time and ha Bhabhi don't forget your promise during IPL". Saying this Ishan disappeared in corridor leaving behind fuming certain someone and two other people who had witnessed this were  enjoying it. 

So making himself noticed one of them said " Bhuvi I smell Something is burning somewhere." Said Hardik.

" I think you are right Hardik " said Bhuvi controlling his laugh seeing Virat's face.

"For both of your kind information nothing is burning " said virat pouting .

" So Virat tell us then why you were glaring holes in that kids back of head" asked Bhuvi.

" I wasn't glaring or anything " denied virat .

" Ha ha sure Virat we believe you." Said Hardik laughing.

" I wish jassi kiddo was here firr ye Ro Ka chamcha (Ishan) usko itna nhi chipakta "said Virat sulking.

" Virat that Ro Ka chamcha is Ro's another kiddo you can't call him such name " said Bhuvi.

" Vese bhi cap Vi Ishan is more of Ritsy bhabs and cap Ro Ka adopted Baccha and Ro Ka another kiddo whom even jassi and Sammy has accepted." Said Hardik looking in distance as if remembering something's.

" Huuh ye kbhii hua jassi is ok with sharing his bhaiya " virat asked with raised eyebrows.

" Actually it's long story that happenes last year in MI camp" said Hardik trying to run from there to avoid telling more.

But Virat put his hands around his shoulder even bhuvi looked more curious now.

" Aahh.. nothing just after one match when Ishan was Cap Ro and jassi couldn't have his time with Ro so he decided to spend time with Sammy sulking and it didn't help that devisha (sky's wife) and Ritsy were talking about how adorable ishu looks . So huffing jassi took Sammy and went to beach so he can spend alone time with her there and Ishan won't get to spend his time with Sammy as per schedule___ " Harry was saying when Virat cut me off asking " schedule ??"

Sighing Harry replied " who will play with Sammy and  when she will sleep , can I continue my story I need to check on Ishan jassi ko report krna hai " said last part very slowly so bhuvi and virat couldn't understand  and they nodded to continue. " So ha when jassi came back from beach with sleeping Sammy he was greet with pouting ishan asking him why he took Sammy when it was his time and jassi answered him saying you took Ro bhaiya with you when it was my time with him and before they can fight more RO and ritsy interfered saying they both Ishan and jassi will have to solve whatever problem they have with talking no fighting and untill then they both won't get to play with Sammy and listening that they both went and spoke I don't know what but when they returned they were not all friendly but they had their schedule sorted no one took anyone's time and if they fought both went to their respective parents ( Ritsy or Ro) to save them from other. So no doubt it was JassiRo and Ritsy ishu and Sammy was their common ground to stop fight." sighed Harry as he finished  and pretended to wipe sweat from his forehead and looked at Virat who was just gasping and bhuvi just had smile playing on his face.

" And Virat before you ask Ritsy bhabs and Ro fought on something and now Ro is not talking to her so it's Bhabhi Ka chamcha on his duty to maano bhaiya ." Said Hardik cleverly using Virat's words from earlier and ran away before bhuvi could scold him.

A/N :

Hey guys here is some random plot which I thought and just wrote it down.
So feel free to give your feedback and if you like do vote and comment.

Also if you can suggest me title for this update, so please comment and let me know.

divi__45 le tera part 1 update kr Diya and thanks without your consent nagging I wouldn't have wrote it..

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