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Hi guys,

I was just going through my all half written draft and found this draft....i had started writing this last year on someone's request to write about ishan and Rohit... But i couldn't complete it back then because of writer's block but finally i was able to complete it hope you guys like it.

Also since this plot is from 2022, so story is state in 2022.

Ishan was in his room , scrolling through his social media when he came across a post which was regarding his priced money, they were trolling him by saying MI wasted 15cr on him , that he is over priced. He was already feeling low due to his rough patch after his good inning in opener game.

And seeing this trolls just added to his already worst mood, so wanting to stay alone he locked himself in his room.

Rohit who always kept tabs on everyone in team.....but this time around even he was under the hammer with his performance, team's continuous losses and his own battle against trolls and with their continuous losses.... The trolls were not leaving any stone unturned....even with all this going he didn't forgot his responsibility towards new players to make them feel ease and at home.

But how much one person can do right, somewhere they are tend to fail...and that's what happened with Rohit... As he was trying to make new players at ease, somewhere old once felt neglected. He thought his kiddos who are now seniors will manage themselves but he was so wrong, his kiddo Jass was mess due to his performance, Ishan was lost and Surya he was still struggling with his injury but still acted like everything was fine.

Handling Jass and Surya was never difficult for Rohit because both of them were matured enough with calm personality and even they could see through Rohit's facade of I'm okay, i can handle this without breaking... So they decided to handle their own demons and not to add any other stress to Ro who already had enough on his plate and him being stubborn about "I'm okay" and all they could do is let him know that they are always there for him whenever he needs them.

The main task for Rohit was to get through Ishan... because ishan had initially gone in shell and suddenly he just started acting weird like he didn't cared of anything anymore....he would always kept playing pranks on new members and back answer others and would preferred to stay in room over bonding with anyone.

If Rohit tried talking he would just leave stating he has work...and Rohit also couldn't chase him much due to his other duties. So they kept their " I'm okay" facade continued until they received Bad news which was like last nail for Rohit and Ishan that Surya was ruled out mid season.

Where One just felt more lost....while other one just got more buried under pressure....with no one to rely for help or they thought....they knew they had people around them but how could they find the way out of darkness and reach out to them. With all negativety surrounding them, they were just ready to lose themselves in that darkness until they found eachother to fight through it....

It was day before Surya was supposed to leave MI camp... And MI had to officially announced this news. Rohit knew that once again he and team will be dragged down in mud once this news was out.... He was finally tired and exhausted mentally so want some peace he decided to sit on terrace alone for while but his mind was on spree of overthinking everything.... He was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't even noticed other soul who had came running to hide there...

It was Ishan who noticed Rohit sitting by wall staring at view in front with blank expression like he was physically here and mentally he was somewhere else....

This was for first time in weeks Ishan was taking a closer look at Rohit or else it was most likely Ishan would run into his room or Rohit would be with new kids or seeing his bhai so lost and looking tried made him feel bit guilty and responsible somewhere....he was aware of all trolls , pressure and abuse his bhai was receiving these past days and he was just adding some more by being reckless on field and acting irresponsible off the field.

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