Little Ro (MahiRo- Yuvi)

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Hey nuttss06 I'm sorry I took this long for your request...I hope you like this chapter.

Guys I have taken full liberty to assume many things and basically this update is just my imagination of what actually happened.

Set in 2008...

MS was sitting in his hotel room , for the first time he felt it was too quiet for his liking. As till morning he had his crazy bestfriend nagging him for some or other thing and to top it off his new found kiddo was on constant call with him.

But now he didn't want this peaceful room as he was used to noise but his crazy bestfriend was off for some ads shoot with his kiddo and few of the teammates.

MS thought he should call his little Ro , who was so nervous and worried about the shoot during their call this morning. So he was contemplating whether he should call or not and at the exact same moment his phone started ringing.

Seeing the caller ID,  MS had big smile on his face and as he answered the call , before he could say anything he was greeted with  whining of his little Ro and seeing it was not going to stop anytime soon MS says " Ro take some breath bacche and please tell me calmly what happened"

He heard Rohit taking a deep breath before he said " Mahi Bhai m I playboy or m I disrespectful"

Not understanding why his little Ro is asking such weird questions suddenly when he was out shooting for ads. MS said " Naah bacche , you are not a playboy or disrespectful person , but why are you asking this suddenly and where are you now , have you finished with your shoot" MS shot questions after questions to Ro.

So sighingly, Ro said " Bhai I'm still at the shoot and reason I asked you that weird questions because when I  reached to this shoot location...

Ro's pov Flashback

I decided go greet Yuvi pa in his trailer as i came to know that Yuvi had already reach , so keeping my stuff in room. I went to see Yuvi pa as because i haven't seen him in months but when I entered his trailer I saw he had company and before I could even say anything he saw me looking at that girl and  said  "DON'T EVEN LOOK AT HER ( pointing his fingers to  that girl) SHE IS MY SISTER, YOU WILL STAY AWAY FROM HER "
I was just staring at him unable to say anything when initial shock went I said " Yuvi pa I came to meet you and you saying such stuff to me " 
Laughing he said " ha ha Shana mereko ullu Bana ki zarurt nahii hai ...Tu bass meri bhen Se Durr rahe "

I was looking down due to embarrassment and when I looked up even  that girl was starring at Yuvi pa and me  wide eyes so I just rushed out of there.

(end of Fb)*back to MS pov *

"so now tell me Bhai m I a bad person wanting to meet him not knowing his sister will be there and that girl what does she thinks of her self ha , is she some Princess of somewhere that because of her yuvi pa spoke to me so rudely. " Ro was saying.

( Write: 😂😂😂Princess Ka toh pata nhi but she is gonna be your future queen.)

Ms sighed thinking Ro won't stop his ranting so he said " Calm down bacche you know na how Yuvi is right , he might be pulling your leg and bacche you can't judge Ritika just because of Yuvi's words"

"  Okay Bhai I'll be calm , why aren't you here Bhai I miss you so much " Ro whined again pouting.

Shaking his head , MS had small smile when he replied " because that brand didn't wanted me and Bache anyway you are coming tomorrow na."

" This brand people are stupid then and Bhai when I come tomorrow I want you to spend whole day with me ,promise me you'll spend it with me , only me " said Ro.

" Ha ha I promise bacche I'll spend whole day tomorrow with you only , now are you happy " asked Mahi Bhai .

" Yes very much happy ____" Ro was saying when someone came to call him for his shot so he said bye and disconnected call going down.

Here MS was happy that his Ro was in better mood now and he decided to make a quick call to someone. And when that person answered he said " Yuvi can't you be tactful for once "

Yuvi laughing said " so I guess Shana ne already tuhje call kiya ha "

"See Ritsy I told you na he'll go and complain about me "

"but you were rude and that prank was unwanted he just came by to greet you "

" shush bhena you don't know how this boys are these days "

" whatever Bhai but you have apologies to him "

" I'm not apologizing to Shana" said Yuvi stubbornly that's when MS decided he had heard much more conversation of this brother sister duo and said " Yes yuvi Ritika is right , you are gonna apologize to my kiddo or you won't be spared"

" Hey Mahi , that's not fair ...Tu USS Shana Ka side nahii le shkta " said Yuvi childishly.

" And may I ask why I can't take my kiddos side when he was not wrong " said Ms

" Because because he .....he...he came to check out Ritsy" said Yuvi fumbling.

That's when he heard Mahi gaspe and Ritika shouted " Bhai , you are gone nuts , I'm going out to help there and one more thing I'm not talking to you until you apologize " saying she went out of the trailer.

And Yuvi yelled "dekh lena ek din vo tuhje fasake rahega " (translation " see one day he'll charm you and trap you " *not knowing that his words were so gonna be true in future*)

Mahi spoke again " I guess You have to apologize now , you won't want your little sister not talking to you and don't worry I'll make sure she don't forgive you anytime soon " laughing MS disconnects calls thinking to himself " I don't know Yuvi if tere words sach hoge ya nahii but if destiny vo dono Ka sath Likha Hoga toh My little Ro will surely charm your sister".

On shoot location :

Ro was just told that he will have to reshoot whole shot again as there was some technical issue and now he was just frustrated and nervous of redoing everything so he asked them for small break before continuing again.

He was just outside standing alone when he saw someone coming towards him from corner of eyes so he turn only to come face to face with Ritika.

" You , what do you want " Rohit said a bit rudely and then saw Ritika fidgeting so he took deep breath and remembering his Bhai's words , he said " look I'm sorry , i shouldn't have spoken to you like that , it's just that m already nervous and Yuvi pa just made it worse and now I have to reshoot everything again which is so tiring , shit I should stop ranting to stranger". He bit his tongue saying so.

When Rohit looked at Ritika, he saw she had small smile on her lips and she said shyly " hey hey it's fine to be nervous for first shoot and about Bhai I wanted to apologize on his behalf and regarding reshoot if you need anything just tell me I'll help you."

Rohit just smiled and said " please you don't need to apologize on behalf of Yuvi pa , it's fine."

Still smiling sweetly she said " vese hey I'm Ritika , Yuvi bhai's Rakhi sister and talent manager who's handling today's shoot.

Rohit smiled slightly and said " Hi, I'm Rohit Sharma , new member of Indian cricket team."

They spoke for bit untill their break ended and they had to resume working.

Unware that this same shy girl is gonna be his world in future , who will stand by him at his worst and encourage him to give his the says goes everything starts with friendship . And in their case it's was so going to be true . No one knew that day, that this was the starting of a new relationship, which was going to last forever and be the partnership Ro would plan to stay not out till the end. This friendship which just started on not so good note but inspite this , both of them , not only them but their fans , family and close ones are always going to cherish it forever. Touchwood

A/N :

Hey guys hope you like this update. So vote and comment.

And special mention to Mahiro457 bhavs for helping me with editing and ending and no I'm not saying thank you , I'm just appreciating your help , love you 💕🤗

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