His lucky charm , Her pride(Rohika)

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Hi guys,
So many of you might have read this OS in madfam competition book. And i was thinking to update it in my book but always forgot but today I finally did it.

Hope you like it...

One girl can be seen driving in mumbai's traffic ranting to herself about ' why even she was driving in this busy traffic to western suburbs of mumbai when she should have been in her bed cuddling with Magic'
( So how many of you Guessed, who is this girl )

" Why Ritsy Why couldn't you say no to Yuvi bhai and Bunty, when they were forcing you to join them to club party" Ritika said it to herself.
( Yes , it's Ritika if you haven't guessed it already)

Ritika was driving to the club where her Rakhi brother (Yuvi) and her cousin (Bunty) are waiting for her to party as their recent brand endorsement was successful.

Finally she reached the venue and was totally in mood to sulk for being forced to attain party, leaving the comfort of her house. But as soon as she stepped foot inside the club she was tackled in hugs from her close friends.

Ritika was shock after suddenly being tackled, so after recovering she while glaring at her friends, she asked " What the hell was that guys and what are you both doing here "

To that Vijita(Ritsy's close friend) explained " whattt...can't a bestie hug now and what we are doing here then your answer is we were dragged here to accompany you as your brothers knew you will get bored soon, also they can't keep you company whole night as ICT is also joining today."

And Ritika looked towards her other friend who just nodded her head. Satisfied by their answers Ritika hugged Vijita and Garima saying " I Missed you guys so much, next time don't take this long to return home "

After hugging to their hearts content, they took one booth and were chatting about everything and anything as they were meeting after long time.

Ritika was looking around when she spotted a figure sleeping in one of the nearby booths. She kept staring for while which even got attention of Garima.

When Garima noticed that her friend is staring in particular direction way to long, so even she  turned toward it and saw someone sleeping on table and his friends trying to wake him up but were failing miserably.

" Oooh god what even is that man...who comes to club and sleep " Garima exclaimed.

" The one who must be dragged against his wish and was tired enough to sleep through all this sounds." Ritika defended that stranger and wondered to herself ' why even I'm trying to defend some stranger' she was thinking this when she saw her brother approaching that stranger and was about to throw jug of chill icey water on him, so she ran towards him and stopped his hand at last moment and said " Yuvi bhai how can you think of pulling such a prank on Some stranger"

But she heard some other voice asking " Yuvi paa aapne Ro ko uthaya kya "

Turning she saw Virat standing beside Yuvi and one glare from Ritsy made him hide behind Yuvi.

" Bhai you were gonna throw this Ice water on him , just to wake him up how insensitive bhai...I didn't expected this from you and you Mr (pointing towards Virat ) besides saving your friend you were enjoying Yuvi bhai ka prank."

" Yaar Ritsy tu Bichme na aa, ye Shana koi bichara nhii hai jise tu defend kr rhi hai...aur toh club Mai aake kon sota hai..."  Said Yuvi paa to a glaring Ritika.

" If you want to wake him up so badly then do it properly without any pranks " saying this she left from there.

Ritika walked outside the club to take some fresh air and she thought to herself ' why was she defending and saving some random stranger , whom she was sure won't be meeting again.' still in thoughts she decided to leave from there when she spotted her friends with her car.
(A/N : that's were you are wrong Ritsy..)

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