Mature or still kid?(Rah and Ro)

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Rohit had just finished his quarantine period and was going to come out of his room after 14 days. He had mixed feelings regarding it as he was happy to be finally with his chosen family and kiddos but he was bit sad as he couldn't meet Harry Yuzi Shikhi and Vi before they left for India. He was there for last 2 test only Which are scheduled for Jan.

So after completing his medical test n all he was given green signal to meet team. Unaware to him there was bunch of big kids excited to meet their bhaiya after almost 1 month and were patiently waiting in team room and to make sure there bhaiya first meet them only 2 youngest planned to guard his door so as soon as he returns they can attack on him.

Any guess who can they be ?

So they are no other then Rishu & Prithvi. As soon as they saw Rohit coming towards them , they attacked him with hugs and thanks to Ro. He balanced there weight at last moment ... laughing he said "careful kiddos we don't want anyone injured now..."

Rishu was first to smile sheepishly and apologize and said " he missed him so much and prithvi started arguing that "he missed him more...." seeing this was never ending RO decided to break in asking" where is rest of team."

Rishu & prithvi started smiling sheepishly 😅😁😁 n said "they all are waiting for you in team room and we wanted to be the first to meet you so we were guarding your door."
Hearing this Ro let out laugh and said "let's go meet rest of them."

In team room as soon as Shreyas jassi and Kul saw Ro coming with both Rishu and Prithvi on each side they ran to hug him pushing rishu and prithvi aside after they had there much needed bear hug... Mayank Jinks and rest all got there chance to meet Rohit.

While all were grilling Rohit about " how he was and they missed him"  there stood a kid just staring at him with bit of starry and longing gaze.
He was waiting to be noticed but with rishu and Yas fighting to spend time with Ro he thought he won't even get time to hug Ro.

Unaware that not only jinks but Ro too had noticed that kids longing finally jinks decided to break in n said "we will come up with timetable so everyone gets to have there time with their bhaiya" and everyone was ok with that as they will get time where they will have Ro's whole attention on them only...

And before they could argue on who get to spend time with Rohit first. Ro said "we will start with Rah then shrey, jassi, Kuli, prithvi, Mayank, and rishu will be last as he will sleep in my room only." By hearing this Rahul was surprised as how he got first chance but seeing Ro and jinks giving him knowing smiles he understood that his face gave him away.

So being happy he walked to Ro and finally got his much needed bear hug from his bRo.
In hug Ro said something to rah along the line that sounded as "what do you think if my best friend is not here then we will forget his kiddo or what..."

Rahul was speechless and just kept staring at Ro. So Rohit took hold of his hand n lead him to terrace. They just stood there enjoy cold breeze with bit of sun.

Rahul decided to break ice saying "how did you know I wanted hug too." Ro just smiled at kiddo in front of him and said " you know rah you can also be kid sometimes you don't need to put up your mature act at least in front of us. We know kiddo that you are no kid but still for us you will always be a kid and one thing you also have right to claim my time just the way jassi Harry shrey rishu does...even our kulcha knows how to get what they want then why don't you do rah.
Don't you consider me your brother or what?"

Rahul was shocked 😳by last line and said instantly " no no bRo never think that I don't consider you as my big brother as you see I haven't called vi as bhaiya much but I do call you bhaiya or bRo...and regarding being kid things I know you , vi and mahi Bhai will never stop treating us as kids even when we have our kids."

Listening Rahul say that Rohit laughed a heartfelt laugh and remembered how he too once said same lines to mahi Bhai.

Rahul was starring at his bRo with starry-eyes as Rohit looked at him he found some unknown feeling in heart that this kiddo of his bestie is precious for him too.

And at same time Rahul phone rang it was video call from Harry and as he saw name on screen he got a devilish smile and received it .as soon as call was answered Harry was showing agastya to Rahul when he noticed how Rahul was snuggling in to Ro while seating on bench... seeing this Harry possessiveness had kicked in him he started yelling " he (Rahul) can't snuggle with his bRo..." but he regretted it as Natasha gave him glare so he quickly sneaked out of room and again said " same thing that if he doesn't gets to stay close to his bRo then Rahul should also stay away" listening this Rahul was just laughing and even snuggled more...Ro who was busy taking video of Rahul with him for certain someone saw that what Rahul was doing and he also laughed with him....Harry started whining " it was not fair that rah gets to snuggle and I don't " so to stop this Ro promised him that next time they meet he will make it up to him too.

And next moment Ro's phone ping indicating he has received text from certain someone
Said text was - " it's nice you are taking care of my kiddo ...still he loves me more so don't try to make me jealous and ha now it's your turn to take care of all kiddos like I did in your absence....n  Ha I miss you ..."
Ro - " don't get senti vi....but yes don't worry about kids we are here for take care of nush and baby and don't forget your promise as soon as baby is born you are to call me and video call later so I can see my niece at least virtually until I get to hold her...and I miss you too.."

And just as Ro kept his phone aside he saw Rahul getting sleepy he just ruffle rah's hair n said "let's get you to your room so you can rest" ...rah muttered something like " he was comfortable like this ." Ro didn't wanted to move but he can't let Rahul catching cold so he tried again saying " he will be with him  in his room till he could sleep."

Rahul finally moved to his room and Ro as promised sat there ruffling his hair till Rahul felt asleep...Ro just smiled seeing rah who is more mature than his bestfriend (Harry) but still is no less than kid himself.

So guys please me know what you feel about this update.

Also happy birthday to our Kul (Kuldeep)

Also happy birthday to our Kul (Kuldeep)

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