Our lovable idiots 💟(Rohirat)

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Hey guys ,

Finally I'm trying to manage office workload and writing so you can expect some updates from time to time....

And to compensate for all the time i was Mia here is extraaaaaa long OS. I was writing this Os from ages finally was able to complete it

Hope you enjoy it.


ICT had planned a vacation trip to the farmhouse as it had been a long time since they did something relaxing together. And this time around they even convinced Mahi bhai to come.

Virat and Rohit were the first ones to reach the farmhouse as they traveled together. Jinks who was supposed to travel with them got some emergency so he was going to join them in late evening with Mahi bhai. And the rest of the team members were on their way.

So imagine the team's surprise when they arrived at their destination and found a very silent house even with Rohirat being together. For a moment they even thought they must have come to the wrong address but after double checking the address and  finding Rohit's car parked outside gave them much needed assurances.

Everyone was standing in the living room looking around, trying to assess the situation. But when they couldn't find anything like some prank or trap they moved to check upstairs.

Dividing themselves in groups of twos and three they checked almost all rooms and again met near staircase " Guys yaar ye Ro and Vi pakka koi prank kr rahe humare sath...itna dunda still we couldn't find them and their phones are also unreachab---"  Jaddu was saying when Ash cutting him of said " Guys has anyone of you checked last rooms on either of corridors"

When Ash received negative nod from everyone he said "let's check those rooms too then will call Mahi bhai "

Saying so they went to nearest room and after knocking for while , door was opened by freshly showered Virat who was drying his hairs with towel and seeing everyone he said " ooh, hi guys tum sab kabhi aye"

"We just came 15 mins back, but atte hi you sure made us search for you and Ro around house " said jaddu

" What " asked Virat confused.

Sighing Bhuvi said " when we reached here, house was so silent, for once we thought we came to the wrong address and then we couldn't find you or Rohit and both of your phones were also unreachable so we panicked."

" Oooh, accha I was in the bathroom so I didn't hear your voice and the phone it's on charging." Explained Virat.

" Vese Vi, where is Ro " Shikhi said moving inside Virat's room.

" In his room ?" Virat said which sounded more like a question.

" Ha toh we checked every room, we couldn't find him, " said Yuzi.

" Muhje Bhaiya mil gaye," said Jassi coming.

" Where is he? " asked Rish eagerly.

Rolling his eyes Jassi said " in the last room on another corridor " and he saw Rish was about to run he added " he is asleep, don't disturb him now "  Rish pouted at that and walked out of the room quietly.

"Virat how come you and Ro choose different rooms and that too this far from each other" asked Ash.

" Vo...vo Ash, you see I wanted this front view and that lazy panda wanted a lake view at the back."  virat said a bit fumbling.

And before anyone could say anything, Virat added " I think you guys should freshen up and rest until food is prepared."

Even though the team nodded and moved out they didn't miss how Virat took a breath of relief or how his eyes widened at the mention of Ro or how he didn't go to wake Rohit up as usually he does.

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