Forgotten apologize (Ro-Rish)

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It was fine day in Ahmedabad as team India were relaxing before T20i series starts. As it was supposed to be their rest day so one person can be seen skipping his way towards one room but on the way was greeted by his fellow team mate asking " where are you going all smiling " asked that person.

" Ooh no where just till Rohit bhai's room , thought he would spend sometime with me "said the first person still smile not leaving his face.

"Aahhh Rish but bhaiya toh nahii hai room Mai " said another person.

Narrowing his eyes Rish (yes it's none another than Rishabh) said " how do you know that ish"

So yes another person is Ishan , so Ishan said " even I went to bhaiya hoping to spend some time but that time he was leaving his room so after asking I came to know that bhaiya was going for pre series press conference."

" Aah , but isn't virat Bhai supposed to go for conference " asked pouting Rish.

" You know they divide their work equally and as much I know virat Bhai will attend pre match conference. So let's go sit with others and see conference live " said Ishan.

Half-heartedly nodding they went towards team room so seeing that conference had already started so finding places anywhere they could they sat and saw conference.

After conference everyone left besides Rishabh who just stayed there and pulled out his phone and started searching something.

In instances he got various links say:

‌Rishabh Pant needs to play with freedom, leave him alone: Rohit Sharma

‌Rohit Sharma asks babysitter Rishabh Pant if he's free to help wife Ritika Sajdeh

‌Rishabh Pant does something naughty to Rohit Sharma after DC lose to MI ( many other links )

So yes he searched Rohit and himself. And thing that caught his eyes was last link.

So opening he found out that incident took place in 2019 IPL during second phase when MI had won that match and they were doing handshake when he had decided to prank his Bhai. It was all normal then untill some fan had viral that video where he put his leg forward during handshake making Rohit almost tumble.

He remembered how shrey had scolded him after he came to know about that incident and jassi glaring him during WC in first few days.

Flash back
He was sleeping in his room when shrey had barked in and he had woken him up with water.

Seeing shrey this angry rish didn't shout on him for waking up so rudely but instead yawning asked" what happened shrey Bhai "

" Seriously rishu are you asking me what happen , what were you thinking pranking Ro Bhai when you know there were camera everywhere." Said Shreyas frustrated.

" Huhhh... What " asked Rishabh still in sleepy daze.

" RISHABH PANT if you don't get fully wake this instance then help me god , you won't like your punishments." Said shreyas

Opening his eyes wide rish said " m up Bhai see bhai , so no punishment naa."

Shreyas just shakes his head and asked " what were you thinking yesterday night when you pulled that prank on RO Bhai."

Still not understanding why shrey was making fuss on such small prank Rishabh said " it's was just small prank Bhai ....even Ro Bhai didn't say anything"

Sighing shrey said " rishu Ro Bhai didn't say anything because he knows you well but do you think this media and fans will keep quiet they won't and Want to know who informed me about prank being in news? "

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