Pokémon Galar Adventures Character Bios

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Type of character (protagonist, antagonist, sidekick, etc.): Supporting Protagonist

Character's name: Gloria


Flaw: Gets scared easily

Age: 16

Sex: Female

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 134 lbs

Race: White Galarian

Hair color: Light Brown

Eyes: Brown

Grooming: Long and Straight

Clothing: Gym Challenger Outfit, Pink t-shirt, ¾ sleeve button down white Cardigan, Light blue jeans, Pink and white sneakers, white pearl necklace, one piece strapless dress

Health issues: N/A

Physical abilities: N/A

Speech (accent): Galarian

Parents: Unnamed mother

Siblings: Victor (Brother)

Friends: Hop, Drago, Lillie, Marnie

Best friend (or person closest to): Hop

Least favorite people: Marnie (initially), Bede, Swordward and Shieldbert, Chairman Rose, Oleane

Enemies: Chairman Rose, Oleana, Bede, Swordward and Shieldbert.

Pets: Rockruff

Residence: Postwik Town, Galar

Neighborhood: N/A

Cultural background: Galarian

Religion (and attitudes about religion): N/A

Memberships: Galar Pokemon League (as challenger)

Schooling: Homeschool

Attitude toward school: Hard Working

Popularity: unpopular initially, but became a celebrity after becoming Hop's Girlfriend

Mentors: Hop

Heroes: Hop

Favorite sports: Galarian Pokemon Battles

Work experience: N/A

Hobbies: playing with rockruff, shopping, slow dancing, playing the flute

Likes and dislikes (music, movies, TV, books, etc.): (likes) The hunger games series, playing the flute, rockruff, shopping, Pokemon battles (dislikes) Bede, Swordward and Shieldbert

Fears: Being kidnaped, tied up and gagged

Dreams: To spend the rest of her life with Hop

Life goals (in 5, 10, 30 years): (5) To marry Hop (10) to start a family (30) Life a happy rest of her life

Nervous habits:

Foibles: gets fired up when someone insults her, her pokemon, friend and family

Reasoning style: tries to resolve conflicts peacefully

How would your character's friends describe her or him?

Drago: She may be shy, but when she's pissed off, stay out of her way

Is your character shy or bold? shy

Is your character talkative or taciturn? taciturn

What most irritates, embarrasses, or bores your character? When people call her cute

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