Season 3 Episode 9

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Story so far
Drago has freed the girls held captive by Rose and Rose died by being held by Eneratus while being carried into space Leon remind Drago that they still have a champion battle to  finish Drago was pretty pissed but he decided to do it anyways

The Episode Begins NOW!!!!!!!

We join Drago in the locker room before the battle with champion Leon

Drago: OK Head in the game head in the game I can beat Leon I've never done it before but yeah I can do this all my girls are counting on me let's win this game

Drago heads out onto the pitch when he meets Leon

Leon: well welcome back Drago now I'm sure you heard I am surprised that you managed to get here and you're my Final Kearns

Drago: yeah Leon you're my Final hurdle to become in the greatest champion

Leon: I like that determination we're gonna have an absolutely champion time now it's battle time are you ready?

Drago: let's go

Leon: let us begin go, Aegislash

Leon tossed out a Poke balland a sword Pokémon came out

Drago: All right go houndoom

Drago did the same and a dog-like  Pokémon came out

Leon king's shield!

Aegislash protected itself

Drago: dang it

Leon: now sacred sword

Aegislash use its move but honndoom  was still standing

Drago: all right Buddy use flamethrower

Houndoom used flamethrower and knocked out Leon;s Aegislash

Leon: not bad but I'm not done go, Haxorus

A dragon looking Pokémon with axes for blades came out in roared

Drago: wait a minute  you have a Haxorus the current unova Champion has one

Leon: well then I guess we have similar tastes instrong dragons

Drago: I guess you do

Leon: Haxorus, Iron tail

Haxorus's becomes as hard as iron and knocked out hondoom

Drago: hondoom!

Leon: yeah one mon down

Drago: you've made me mad now go,Hawlucha

A bird Pokémon with a mask came out onto the field and then a signature move

Leon: well that Pokémon it's ready to battle

Drago: oh yes it's ready acrobatics!

Hawlucha uses Acrobatics and knocked out Haxorus

Leon: Time to take you out Go,Dragpult

A stealthy looking Pokémon came out

Drago: hmmm looks like a spy Pokémon

Leon: use Draco meteor

Dragpult roared and meteors from the sky and his special defense dropped by two stages

Drago: alrightHawlucha use Break break

Hawlucha brought his claw down on Dragpult and knocked it out since its special defense was lowered

Leon: A Super affective hit I expect nothing less from you team Go, Mr. Rame

A tap dancing clown with a cane came out

Drago: what is that tap dancing clown gonna do?

Leon: freeze dry

Mr. rime sent out a blast off freezing air and knocked out Hawlucha

Drago: No,Hawlucha

Leon: two down

Drago: Grrr Time for a prehistoric showdown Go, Tyrantrum

A T-Rex looking Pokémon came out and roared

Drago: there's no way you get through this Pokémon Leon dragon breath!

Tyrantrum blastedMr. rhyme with dragon energy with instantly knocked it out

Leon: dang I'm really in a corner now go,Inteleon

A sniper Pokémon came out and looked awesome

Drago: damn that Pokémon looks so sick

Leon: don't be fooled by his looks snipe shot!

Inteleon struck a pose and quickly knocked outTyrantrum

Drago: Tyrantrum no!!!!!!!!!

Leon: thee Down

Drago: *whispers to his poke ball* you're all I have left buddy let's make a cow Go,Blastoise

A tough looking turtle Pokémon came out and was ready to battle

Leon: down do your ace huh?

Drago: he's been with me since day one he won't let me down now use hydro pump

Blastoise blasted water out of his twin cannons and knocked out Inteleon

Leon: no I'm not done having a champion Time Go, Charizard

Leon's ace and was ready to win

Leon: alright  Charizard Gigantamax

Drago: Allright Blastoise you Gigantamax to buddy

Both trainers Gigantamaxed there Pokemon and they were ready

Leon: where is your special move G-MAX WILDFIRE!

Drago: don't count on it G-MAX CANNONADE!

Both attacks collided in the middle of the field causing a massive explosion when the dust cleared Charizard had fallen and  Blastoise was just standing

Leon Took off his cap and said" my time is champion is over but what a champion time it's been"

Leon: drago, do you know what this means?

Drago: that I am the champion now?

Leon: yes you are the champion  and a first grade trainer

Drago: I did it I became  the champion

Leon: everyone put your head together for a new champion Drago FireHart!

The crowd cheered wildly for our new champion

Later at Drago's  mansion

Mallow: that was awesome

Lillie: congratulations my champion

Lana: he could totally give professor Kukui a run for his money

Iris: also can you give me one I'm a current champion anyway

lisia: you would be perfect in a contest

Jasmine : you shine bright just like a steel type

Marine: you're a rockstar just like your  band                   
Drago: come on girls I know I'm awesome and I'm also a champion now let's just relax we've all been quite an adventure

Lillie: some of us more than others

Drago: Come on lillie you have to admit it was kind of fun right?

Lillie: all right I made it it was fun

So here we are again we've been through so much together thank you for all your continued support on my story and well we of an end but don't worry there's going to be a epilogue the   story stay tuned

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