Season 2 Episode 7

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Story so far
Drago, lille and marine took a Galar Karate class with gym leader Bea and gave Drago the the TM54 power-up punch.

The episode begins Now!!!!!!!!

Drago Lillie ans Marine woke up in the stow-on -side motel

Drago: well guys let's get moving to Chichester.

Lillie: do we have to go now?

Drago Yes. we. do.

Marine: well then when you two are done with your "thing" I'll be waiting to go

Dargo: well let's get ready and go

Back at Chairman Rose's building Mallow and lana were thown into Chairman Rose's  escape pod and where regaged.

Mallow: MMMPH! MMMPH!!!!!!! MMMMMPPPHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! MMMHHHPH! ( Why are we here?!?!? What is this Place.)

Lana: MMMPH! MMMPH!!!! MMMMMPPPPHHHHHH!!!! (  Ugh my head huts where are we)

Chairman Rose: welcome to me escape pod girls

Mallow: MMMPH! MMMPH!!!!!!! MMMMMPPPHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! MMMHHHPH! ( You are a EVIL, SELF-CENTERED LITTLE MAN!!!!!!!!!!!)

Lana:MMMPH! MMMPH!!!! MMMMMPPPPHHHHHH!!!! ( let us go we will not be Involved in you evil plans!!!!!!!!)

Chairman Rose: Oh Don't worry girls When he coms here you two along with the others will get a Front- row seat to his death.

Mallow and Lana:MMMMMMPHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Back on route 9

Drago: man why is so cold here?

Lillie: well it's the city of snow what did you think?

Drago: well I thought it was a pun.

marine: well you live you should have known

Drago: let's get to the gym

???: why hello gym challengers

Drago: who are you.

???: I am Geordie and this is Melony my mom.


Drago clamped his hand over Lillie's mouth.

Drago: Lillie, we tacked about this don't freak out

Lillie: this is too crazy not to say something

Drago: *sigh* Lord help me

Marine: well I should have expected as much

Drago: Too true, plus Geordie petty popular

Lillie: can I get your autograph?

Drago: Really, you had to ask him(sarcastically) of all the times

Lillie: Yes, you told me he was popular.

Drago: I did but that did't you ask him for his autograph!

Lillie: Well, I don't care

Drago: Oh, fuck me!

Lillie: Language!

Drago: Shut. up!

Lillie: Hey!

Drago: Shut the fuck up, Bitch!!!!

Lillie: What did you call me, you little shit?!!?!?!?

Drago: Oh, It's on Asshole!!!

Marnie: Ey, Break it up you two! You're all fighting in front of two gym leaders.

Drago: Oh, fuck my shit.

Lillie: LANGUAGE!!!!!!!!

Drago: *quetly* Oh, my ass!!!!

Melony: What was that, dear?

Drago: Uh, nothing. nothing. 

Gordie: Are you gonna challenge us, or just stand around blabbing?

Drago: Oh, Im gonna pulverize you and record you crying in the locker room, plus your "hiding hole."

Gordie: *blushed a deep shade of red* Why you little---!!!

Melony: Son, its al true. It's on your league card.

Gordie: Mum!!!!!! I'm a model, not a baby!!

Drago:*to marnie* Oh! Burn!

Lillie: Wow.

Marnie: Yeah.

Gordie: Challenge me. I'm outta here! *runs back to the gym completely embarrassed*

Drago: Well, that was just ICE cold!!!!!!!!

Lillie: Really, dude! Pun, now!!!!!!!!

Drago: He's a gym leader, what do you expect me to do? Use a rock hard pun?

Lillie: STOP!!!!!

Drago: Geez, cool your jets girl! Jesus Christ!

Marnie: Ha. Good one.

Lillie: Not you too!

Drago: Hey, you can't blame me for having good puns.

Lillie: Oh, my God!

suddenly Dragos phone starts playing Micheal Jackson bad

Drago: Oh, shit!

Lillie: What is that song?

Marnie: *singing* Your butt is mine, Gonna take you right! Just show your face in broad daylight! I'm telling you on how I feel. Gonna hurt your mind, Don't shoot to kill! Come on, Come on, Lay it on my all right!!!!!!



Drago: uh, um ,uh!


Drago: um....

Lillie: *sighs* Answer the question.

Drago: My band. Happy?

Lillie: How?

Drago: It was one of our first songs. and I decided to have it as a ringtone.

Lillie: Who's calling you now?

Drago: I'll see. *picks up the phone*

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