Season 1 Episode 5

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Story so far
Drago and the gang arrived in Hillbury and met Nessa after a battle with Team Yell. Lusamine contacted Drago just to check up on Lillie. 

The Episode begins NOW!!!!!!! 

We join our heroes at the Hilburry Hotel, settling in for the night 

Drago: Let's get a nice long rest. Tommorow, it's Gym challenge time!

Lillie: I know you can win, Lovey! I will support you no matter what!

Drago: Thanks. I really appreciate it. *The couple kiss*

Marnie: Awwwww. 

Drago Really?!?!? Right now?!?!!?!?!

Marnie: Come on, it's cute. 

Drago: I know, I know. 

The next day

The alarm clock blares super loud

Drago: Goddamn it! Someone turn it off!

Lillie: Language!

Drago: Someone turn it off! 

Marnie turns it off. 

Drago: Thank God!

Lillie: We have to get ready. 

Drago: Alright, let's go.

At the Hillbury Gym

Pokémon League Staff: ALright Gym Challengers, here's your challenge. There will be a maze with a bunch of colored water pipes flowing water in certain parts of it. there will be color coded buttons that will shut off it's colored pipe, and you must do this in a certain order in order to get to Nessa. Good Luck!

Drago:*scoffs* Too easy. 

Drago passed the challenge in absolutely no problem and makes it to Nessa.

Drago and Nessa meet in the gyms battlefield. 

Nessa: Welcome, honored Gym challenger! I think you realized earlier, but I'm Nessa. Sorry to have to make you look for me. I don't doubt my humble missions difficulty... Yet you cleared it. Your mind as a Pokémon Trainer must be quite refined.  No matter what kind of plan your refined mind may be plotting, my partner and i will be sure to sink it. 

Drago: Ha, try that and I'll sink your boat!

Nessa: Ok then, let's battle! 

Drago and Nessa started the battle. 

Nessa: Go, Goldeen!

Drago: Go, Boltound use Spark!

Bolthund uses spark and knoked out Goldeen in one hit. 

Referee: Goldeen is unable to battle! 

Nessa:  Go, Arrokuda!

Drago: Boltound, Use Spark!

Nessa: Arrokuda, use Aqua Jet!

Arrakuda uses Aqua Jet and it barely did damage. Arrokuda suffered the same fate as Goldeen, 

Nessa: Go, Drizzile!

Drago: Bultound, use thunderbolt!

Drizzile was knocked out instantly. 

Nessa: Looks like I'm down to one last Pokémon. I've been saving the best for last. 

Drago: Bring it on!

Nessa: Go Dreadnaw!

Drago: Alright Botltound, Dynamax time! Max Lightning!

Nessa: Flood the stadium and make it our ocean! Dreadnaw, time to Dynamax!

Drago and Nessa dynamaxed their Pokémon and Lillie was in awe. 

Lillie: Oh my gosh! This is awesome!

Bolthound used Max Lightning and it did a ton of damage to Dreadnaw and caused an electric current to course through the battlefield. 

Nessa: Dreadnaw, use Max Rockfall. 

Dreadnaw used Max Rockfall and did a ton of damage and caused a sandstorm. 

Drago: Boltound, use Max Lightning!

Boltound used Max Lightning and was able to finish Dreadnaw off. 

Nessa: I may proudly be the strongest member of the Gym, but I was totally washed away! 

After the battle

Nessa: How? How can this be??!?!!? *sighs* Now that I have battled you, I think I understand. Continue to seize victory in the Gym Challenge with your Pokémon. You have an incredible spirit that may even be strong enough to challenge the champion. You are deserving of this Gym Badge. 

Drago: Thank you, Nessa. 

The pair shake hands and Nessa gave Drago the Water Badge.

Nessa: You'll want to challenge the Fire Gym Leader next. As you and your Pokémon are now, he'll definitely want to battle you.

Drago: Thank you, I will.

Lillie: Yes! That's my Champion!

Later that day

Drago: Well, we both got our water badge, and I'm feeling good.

Marnie: I didn't expect the battle to be so tough, but I'm glad Morpeko pulled through.

Drago: Alright, we're going to challenge Kabu next. Let's rest up and return to Motostoke tommorow. 

On the set

Director: And Cut! Congratulations everyone!

Hop: Hey, I wasn't in there!

Director: Hey, you got a problem, talk to the boss! 

Hop: I will! *Storms off*

Drago: Geez! What's his problem?

Director: The boss didn't revealed him, so he's kind of pissed.

Drago: *sighs* Isn't he going to learn patience?

Director: No. he won't

The pair hear Hop scream at the top of his lungs

Drago:*sighs* It's Hero Time. 

Drago transforms into Humongasaur and proceed towards Hop. 

Well, looks like Hop is in a very foul mood. Let's hope he doesn't get into trouble. Let's hope our trio have a great many adventures to come. 

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