Season 1 Episode 7

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The Story so far
Drago, Lillie, and Marnie went shopping in Hilburrys boutique with Nessa during their day off. afterwards they had to rush to the stage to play I'm Still Standing for the townsfolk.

The episode begins NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At the Hilburry Inn

Drago: *yawns* What time is it? *looks at his phone* hmm. not too late not too early. Perfect.

Lillie:* wakes up* What time is it?

Drago: It's 8'o clock.

Marnie soon wakes up.

Drago: Come on. Let's have breakfast so we can get back to Motostoke for our 3rd Gym battle.

Marnie and Lillie: OK!

When the trio got dressed and had their breakfast they decided to go through Galar Mine 2. As they were about to exit they ran into a familiar face.

Bede: Well. Seems you have improved your skills a bit. just a bit.

Drago: How the hell did you get out of jail, you jackass?!?!!?!?!!?

Lillie: LANGUAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bede: Shut up!

Lillie: *wimpers and hyperventalates* s-sorry!!!!

Bede: *tries not to laugh but fails horribly*

Drago: You motherfucking asshole!

Bede: What was that?

Drago: Nothing. What are you even doing here?

Bede: Isn't it obvious? I'm collecting wishing stars. Now hand over all of your wishing stars or die!!!

Drago: *sighs* Marnie, you ready to beat him up?

Marnie: Yeah! Let's go!

Drago: Alright Machamp, show him your stregnth!

Machamp: Champ!! *flexes his muscles*

Marnie: Alright, Scraggy! Let's headbutt this fool!

Scraggy: Scraggy!

Bede: Go Silosis. Lets Physchock them!

Drago: Macamp, use knock off!

Machamp uses Knock Off and takes Solosis' Sitrus Berry.

Bede: What the?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!!?!?!

Drago: Thank's for the Item. I'll put this to good use.

Marnie: Scraggy, Headbutt!

Scraggy: Scraggy! *uses headbutt and knocks out solosis*

Bede: Damn it! Go, Ponyta and use Fairy Wind!

Fairy Wind deals a lot of Damage to Machamp.

Drago: Machamp, return! Houndoom, knock him out with Dark Pulse!

Hounddoom: Doom! *Uses Dark Pulse*

Bede: Goddamn you! Go, Gothita and Hatenna! Use Psybeam and Psyshock!

The two pokemon appear use their attacks but the two dark type pokemon weren't affected.

Bede: Come on! The Attacks should have hit!

Drago: They did! But have you forget Darks types are immune to Psychic type moves.

Bede: Why you little!

Drago: Houndoom, Crunch!

Marnie: Scraggy, use Crunch!

Bede: Oh, come on!

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