Season 1 Prologue

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Drago Fireheart has just started his Gym Challenge. He will encounter new challenges and will meet friends both old and new. How will he succeed in his quest? Only time will tell. His main foe will be Bede, who is one of his many rivals in the Gym Challenge.

Everyone was waiting for Drago to come out.

Hop: Ugh! What's taking him so long?!?!? When is he gonna get here?

Lillie: Relax, he's coming!

Marnie: This is lame! Lay off of him!

Drago blasts the door open.

Drago: Who's ready to get burned?!?!?!!?!?

Lillie: Who are you??!?!!? What's that on your chest?!?!?!

Marnie: Morpeko, use thundershock!

Drago: Everyone, chill!!!!! It's me! *goes back to normal*

Lillie: You almost gave me a heart attack!

Drago: Sorry! I thought you wanted to see my new forms!

Marny: Forms?

Drago*sighs* IT'S MY OMNITRIX!!!!!!!!!

Marnie: It's rocking cool!

Drago: *scoffs* Thanks.

Drago: Anyways, we should get into our places for episode one

Everyone: OK.

Drago: Alright, lets do it!

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