Season 1 Episode 3

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Story so far
Drago and Lillie reunited in Wyndon and the next day they went to Wedgehurst to meet Leon. After getting their starters they went into the Slumbering Weald to find the missing Wooloo. Instead the couple encountered two completely unknown Pokémon that are like ghosts. Afterwards, Sonia gave Lillie her own Rotom phone and upgraded Drago's. Then Lillie went off to explore the wild area while Drago went to Motostoke to register for the gym challenge. Next, the pair attended the opening ceremony where Chairman Rose pointed out his personal favorites. afterwards Drago and Lillie encountered Bede in the mines and Drago was beaten senseless. Lillie was scared and crying endlessly until Drago finally calmed her down, promising that He will never leave her side.

The episode begins NOW!!!!!!!!!!

We join Drago and Lillie outside the mine, when Drago just finished calling the police.

Drago: Alright, thank you. *hangs up*

Lillie: So, did you get them?

Drago: Yep. Sure did. Well, We're almost to Turrfield.

Lillie: Turfield?

Drago: It's where the first Gym is located. The gym leader there is Milo, and he specializes in Grass types. Luckily I chose a fire type starter Pokémon.

Lillie: You can do it, Drago! I believe in you.

Drago: Thanks, Lillie. *the pair clasp their hands and kiss*

Suddenly a Wooloo crashes right into the couple.

Lillie: Owww!

Drago: Augh! Goddamn it!

???: Oh, I'm so sorry!

Drago: Milo! What are you doing here?

Milo: Helping Wooloo using rollout. Wooloo can't always control where its going, so it has crashed into a number of trainers over the years.

Drago: Well, thats disconcerting.

Milo: Oh, excuse me, pretty lady. I haven't Introduced myself. *helps Lillie up* My name is Milo, the Turfield Gym leader.

Lillie: *blushes*

Drago: Seriously, Milo! Lillie's my girlfriend!

Milo: Well, she's lucky to have you.

Lillie: Thank you, Milo. *blushes a deeper red*

Drago:*sighs* Lord save my ass.

Lillie: LANGUAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do you know who you're talking to?!?!!?

Drago: You're blushing in front of Milo! That means you like him!

Lillie: N-No I don't! *blushing madly* I-I was just- blushing at his compliments.

Drago: OK.. *sighs* Let's just move on.

Soon the Galarian Police Turfield division appear in front of the trio.

Drago: Thank god, they're finally here.

Officer #1: Excuse me sir, are you Drago Fireheart?

Drago: Yes, sir.

Officer #2: Where is Bede?

Drago: He's in the mines. He was knocked out good after I was finished with him.

Officer #3: you're under arrest.

Drago: Wait, you don't understand.

Officer #3: Don't Care!

Lillie: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Drago: Listen to me! Bede attacked ME!

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