Season 3 Episode 5

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Story so far

Dragon Lillie and Marine have gotten all of 8 gym badges in order to participate in the champions cup now they are traveling to windon to compete for the title of champion

The episode begins NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We join our trio arriving in Wyndon. 

Drago: Well, that was a journey and a fucking half. 

Lillie: I-I'm f-f-freezing! 

Marnie: Do we have to walk through this "Victory Road" Thing? Couldn't have we just taken the Galarian Taxi service? 

Drago: Its more fun this way. 

Lillie: It's not! I'm gonna turn into a popsicle!!!!!!!!

As soon as the trio braved Victory Road and entered Wyndon the paparazzi surrounded them. 

Reporter #1: Is it true you got all of your gym badges? 

Reporter #2: Watch the birdie!!!!!!!

Reporter #3: Say Cheese!!!!!!! 

Marnie: Ugh! I hate paparazzi!!! They make me uncomfortable. 

Suddenly a voice called out. 

???: Back, back you bloodthirsty bastards before the 501st cones pump you full of lead!!!!

Drago: Wait, I know that call sign!

Lillie: What call sign?

Drago: 501st.

Suddenly a clone caption lead the trio away and back to Drago's masion he had a unique hemet and on his helmet he had *jag eyes* that was a battlefield honor.

Drago: Rex, is that you? 

Rex: Yes sir, its me. 

Drago: well I did not expect to see you back from you mission so early

Rex: well, let's get back to your mansion probably best to rest up before the Champions cup tomorrow.

Drago: yeah that's probably a good idea anyways I am beat.

The Next day 

Drago: Oh boy the fist mach of the Champions cup is here

Lillie: * grones* do we have to be up so early ?

Drago: yes so we can find out who we're fighting!

Marine: let's just get to the Stadium to find out

Drago: well hell we have to go there it's like every time something major happens.

At the stadium

Rose: welcome ladies and gentlemen to the champions cup round one will be double battles and the first match will be Gym Challenger Drago and Gym Challenger Marine versus Pokémon trainer hop and Gym Challenger Deneb.

Hop: well well well what do we have here two challenges who got 8 gym badges I'm impressed no matter me and my partner are you and your brain for Champion right here right now!

Drago&Marine: Not if we beat you first

Hop: come on Deneb we can beat them with your strong fighting moves

Deneb: yeah i'll take down the dark type Challenger

Marine: fighting types make a real rough match it for me Drago can I trust that you take care of the fighting types for me?

Drago: no problem timer for pounding

Drago quickly took out Dened's sirfech and Pangoro and Marnie Took down hop's Rillaboom, snorlax, PIncurchin,and Dubwool.

Hop: this is impossible how how how could you take out most of my Pokémon GRRRRRRR this is an over go Corviknight.

Hop send out his Poke ball and out popped a giant metal bird

Hop: Time to release all my thoughts put into my wishing star time for a Dynamax

Hop returned Corviknight and Dynamaxed him

Drago: damn that's a big ass bird well no matter it's Flying/ stell type so what to do what to do I've got it Go, charizard!

Drago quickly dinamaxed charizard to face Corviknight

Drago: all right buddy, just like we practiced G-Max Wildfire!

Charizard let loose a giant flaming bird that slammed into Corviknight instantly knocking him out.

Referee:Corviknight is unable to battle the winners are Pokémon trainers Drago and Marine

Drago& Marine: all right  we won

Hop& Deneb: no way I can't believe we lost to them of all people

Drago: hey it wasn't all that bad you guys had a great combination but sadly they show me one winer

Hop: thanks man I'll keep training and get stronger

Dargo: that's the spirit man keep going

Rose: round one of the champions cup has been completed Drago will now move onto-

????: wait chairman stop the instructions

Who is this mysterious trainer Who interrupted Rose while he was giving his instructions we will find out in due time

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