Season 1 Episode 2

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Story So Far
Drago contacted Lillie and invited her to live in Galar with him. She had landed in Kalos but was attacked by the paparazzi. Thankfully, her dear friend James saved her life and he bought Lillie breakfast. The pair chatted and James escorted Lillie to the train.

The Episode Begins NOW!!!!!!!

As the train pulled into Wyndon, Lillie got off the train and was promptly greeted by Drago.

Lillie: Drago!!! *Hugs Drago*

Drago: Its good to see you again.

Lillie: I know! It's been so long! How are you?

Drago: Good. Just really bored.

Lillie: Oh, I'm sorry!

Drago: For what?

Lillie: For not visiting you.

Drago: It's ok. You're here now. How about we go to my mansion and rest up? I Imagine you had a long journey here.

Lillie: Yes, I did. Thank you.

Drago: No problem. *the pair link arms and walk to the limo*

The next day

Drago: Come on Lillie, hurry up! We got to go to Wedgehurst!

Lillie: Why so early?

Drago: Champion Leon is showing up in Wedgehurst! We have to meet him! Let's go!

Lillie: Fine, I'm coming.

Lillie came out very groggy. She was wearing light blue jeans, white sandals, a white t-shirt,  a white grace knit single button 3/4 sleeve cardigan and a white pearl necklace. Drago took her arm and practically dragged her to the Galar Taxy Service which took them straight to Wedgehurt. When they arrived there was a huge crowd gathered at the towns square.

Lillie: Wow. What a crowd.

Drago: Yeah, that's Leon for you. Always attracts the big crowds.

Lillie: He must be a great champion.

Drago: He is. Even a gym leader can't beat him. But he's pants with directions. He can't tell left from right.

Lillie: Oh.

Drago: It's funny.

Lillie: Really?

Drago: Yeah, he's the fucking champion! He should have a champion sense of direction!

Lillie: Language! There are little kids in the crowd!

Drago: Geez! Calm down!

Lillie: Sorry.

Drago: *holds Lillies hands* Come on. Lets meet the champion.

The pair lock arms and walked up to the crowd. They had to push through people and were able to meet Champion Leon.

Leon: Hey, Drago! How you been?

Drago: I'm good, thank you. I'm ready to start my Gym Challenge and I was hoping you can endorse me.

Leon: Is that so? *looks at Lillie* Who's this lovely lady? Is she your girlfriend?

Drago: *blushes a deep shade of red* Yes, but I'm not taking any questions from the crowd! *looks at the crowd with a death glare*

Leon: Well, I have three Pokémon for you to choose from. Is your lady love competing?

Drago: First off, just call her Lillie. And second of all, she's just an old friend who's living with me! So don't go around gossiping about it!

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