Season 1 Episode 1

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The Galar Region. It is filled with bustling cities, vast wildernesses, and most importantly, Pokemon. In the region, Pokemon battles are a part of life and sponsored sports. One unique aspect of the region is the ability of Dynamax and Gigantimax Pokemon during gym battles. this has made the Galar region extremely popular with tourists.

We find a young trainer named Drago Fireheart in his home at Wyndon. He is bored and lonely, and hopes that something would change.

Drago: *sighs* This is boring! What am I supposed to do!!?!??

Suddenly Drago gets an idea.

Drago: I know! I'll call Lillie! *Goes to his videophone and dials Lillie's number*

Back in Alola at Lillies mansion

Lillies video phone rings and her butler Hobbes answers it.

Hobbes: Good morning. Who do I owe the pleasure?

Drago: Hi, my name is Drago. May I speak to Lillie?

Hobbes: Oh, mistress Lillie? Yes, of course. One moment.

Hobbes goes to Lillie's room and interrupts one of her kazoo sessions.

Hobbes: Excuse me, miss.

Lillie: AAAH! Hobbes! *falls out of her chair* Ow! What are you doing in my room?!?!?!

Hobbes, I do apologize, Miss Lillie, but there's someone on the video phone who wants to speak to you.

Lillie: If It's another guy trying to ask me out, the answer's no!

Hobbes: I assure you miss, it's not.

Lillie: Alright, I'll answer. Just let me compose myself and get ready.

Hobbes: As you wish. *leaves*

Several minutes later Lillie is ready. She is wearing a white sleeveless silk dress, white sandals, and a white pearl necklace. Her platinum blond hair was pulled back in a ponytail.

Lillie: Who in their right mind would-!

Lillie gasps

Lillie: What in-!

Drago: Surprise!!!!!!

Lillie: Drago!!!!!!!!!

Drago: That's me.

Lillie: How have you been!?!?!?!? It's been so long!!!

Drago: Nothing really. It's been boring here in Galar, and I'm wondering if you would like to live in Galar with me.

Lillie: I-I- I d-d-d-don't th-think I-!

Drago: It's OK. Take your time.

Lillie: *blushes* I would love to.

Drago: Alright, I would suggest telling your family and get ready as soon as possible.

Lillie: Ok. I'm looking forward to meeting you in Galar.

Moments later Lillie is getting ready to fly to Kalos so she can catch the train to Galar. She made sure to get a first-class ticket and had Hobbes drive her to the Alolan International Airport. After getting a quick snake Lillie boards her plane and begins her long flight to Kalos. 14 hours later she arrives in Kalos and immediately the paparazzi surround her and began interrogating her.

Lillie: Oh, No!!!!!!!! Not this!!!!!! Not the Paparazzi! Anything but them!

Paparazzi #1: Hey, are you the daughter of the Aether Foundation CEO?

Paparazzi #2: Is it true you competed in the Alolan Island Challenge?

Paparazzi: #3: I need a picture!

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