Pokemon Galar Adventures Season 1 Recap

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Drago: Hey Guys. So this is our first Recap. I hope you guys enjoyed the season. From this point on, we'll do two gyms, a break, then another gym, then a break. And at the end of one of the seasons, we will be doing two special scenes based on a scene from a movie. It's called Despicable Me, and we'll have new cast members joining us for Season 2. 

Lillie: Oh, Dragy Poo!

Drago: Lillie, Enough with that nickname! You can call me Dragobreath, and If you say that again, I will have your head for your tombstone! 

Lillie:*wimpers* s-sorry. 

Drago: It's ok, just dont cal me that again, ok? 

Lillie: ALright.

Drago: Alright, tegs get in place for season 2. We wouldn't want to keep the fans waiting.  

Lillie:*Blushes* Let's do it. 

Drago: Alright, let's go! 

Hop: Episode reveal?

Drago: Get back there! You'll know when you'll be revealed! Happy?!?!?! God. 

Drago: Ok, we're going to reveal you for one episode. Happy? 

Hop: Thank you. 

Drago: Good.

Marnie: Alright, I got my spikes turned up!

Drago: Alright, Episode begin!

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