Season 3 Episode 2

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Story So Far
Dargo got the rock badge and he had recorded Gordie in the lockeroom whining and crying about his defeat by a low life loser. Meanwhile in Olivine City, A certian Gym leader was watching the match from her house. She had long, light brown hair with two small pigtails on the top. She was wearing a teal sundress with a bridal hem that reaches her knees with an orange bow on her chest, alongside a Snow White cardigan that reaches her waist and sleeves that reach her elbows. For footwear, she has white sandals with two teal decorations. For accessories, she is wearing a Steelix bracelet and a silver pearl necklace that is 16 inches long and has pearls that are 10 mm in size. She is known as the steel clad girl. But when Drago met her, she told him her real name. She stared at the handsome young man and whispered, "Make me proud, Drago."

The episode starts NOW!!!

We join Gordie in the locker room crying

Gordie: Goddamn it bitch, why?!?!?!?!!??! I was planning on winning today. And that little son of a-!

Drago pops out

Drago: Sorry guys, I have to censor this part becase Gordie yells things that are not polite in any way, shape or form.

Lillie: Good thing.

Marnie: But why now? We didn't do anything about it before.

Drago: Because it was light swearing! And Gordie is a potty mouth!!!!

Lillie: You're right.

Unbenowsed to Gordie, a camera drone in camouflage mode was recording him

Back at the Chirchester motel

Drago: And, upload! *chuckles* A new video uploaded in my Poketube.

Lillie: How many subscribers do you have? *looks at the screen.* ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!!? 30k subscribers?!?!?!?!!?

Drago: And 90k veiws! Suck Ma Dick!

A/N: that line is from SMG 4  

Lillie: Oh, my god!

Marnie: That's pretty impressive for someone who lives in a mansion

Drago: For me, its not new. I have three 20k screens.

suddenly Dragos phone beeps with a news alert.

Drago: Are you kidding me?!?!!? Another call?!?!!? Ugh!

Drago takes out his phone and changes his tune.

Drago: Oh, It's not a call, its an alert.

Rotom: Major Snow Storm in range at Route 9! Everyone is advised to stay indoors.

Drago: Fuck!. that! Shit! Come on guys, we're going to Spikemuth using the Croviknight taxi service!

Lillie: Didn't you hear the-?!?!?

Drago: *gives her the look that says "SHUT THE FUCK UP!"*

Drago: Lets go! Im not gonna wait forever for a stupid snow storm to pass!

At Route 9

Drago: Where is this Corvknight? It's supposed to be here two hours ago!!!!!

Suddenly the taxi service appears.

Drago: Well, it's about time! What kept you?

Taxi Driver: The weather.

Drago: Whatever. Come on guys, kets get in. As the doors close, the driver asked, "Where to, sir?"

Drago: Spikemuth. And if you try to stop because of the weather, I'm committing" Grand theft bird" do you understand?

Lillie: isn't that a legal?

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