Season 3 Episode 4

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story so far
Drago Lillie and Marnie have won against Piers and left to take on "the dragon master" in Hammerlock. Meanwhile Lisa has desires Drago is going to be killed and she and the other girls will have to watch him die.

The Episode begins NOW!!!!

We join the trio on their way to hamerlock

Drago: Well, only one more gym left then I'm going to be the champion.

Lillie: So full of yourself, are you?

Drago: No, if I was I would be a total ass to you

Lillie: You kind of were.

Drago: No, I mean as I would not gave a crap about what you wanted to do.

Marnie: Come on, let just get to hammerlock.

When the trio got to Hammerlock they saw someone who they thought they would never see again in a lifetime.


Lillie: LANGUAGE!!!!


Bede: I did not bust out, I was ballied out!

Drago: WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!!!!!!!???!?!?!?!?

Opal: Well, what do you have here?

Bede: Who is this old fart?

opal: How dare you insult me young man!

Bede: I don't fucking care! You look like an old fart that had been rejected 30 fucking times!

Opal: I've not been rejected ANY times! Come with me, I want to fix it the "attitude" problem of yours! *drags Bede by the ear.*


As Opal dragged Bede away

Drago: Well, that what is unexpected. *chuckles nervously*

lille: Let's just ge-get to the gym.

marine: Well, is there anything on the dragon master? Hopefully this is a double battle.

Drago: We will find out when we get there.

When they got to the hammerlock stadium

Raihan: welcome you three seeing as you and Marine our gym challengers have a copy. of my League card *hands a copy of the card to Drago and Marine *

Drago: So Raihan are you battles single battles or double battles?

Raihan: I'm glad you asked as The strongest Gym leader my battles are double battles however seeing as you and Marine our gym challengers I would like you both to Battle me.

Dargo: Seriously?

Raihan: Yes, so get ready to be knocked out.

Drago: Try me fool.

Inside Hemlock gym Drago and Marine were getting ready for the battle with Raihan

Lillie: you can do it Drago I believe in you

Drago: thanks I really appreciate you sticking with me

On the pitch

Raihan: Are you ready to be crushed?

Drago&Marine: No, we're gonna crush you!

Raihan: I doubt that! Go, Flygon and Giaglith

As he sent out to poke balls the Pokémon popped out ready for battle one Pokémon looks like a strong dragon and the other looked like a rock monster.


Marine go, srafty

Both Pokémon popped out ready for battle

Riahan: Giaglith sandstorm!

Giaglith lord and a sand stop wiped up

Drago: Damn,Blastoise use Hydro pump to knockout Gigalith

Blastoise blasted water and his twin cannons and ko'ed Gigalith

Marine: Srafty, use drain punch

Srafty's fist became covered in green energy and punched flygon draining its health and restoring it's own from an earlier breaking swipe.

Riahan: Impossible, no matter go sandconda, and Duraludon

Two more Pokémon for his team popped out and ready one looks like a Python and the other looks like a very very strong dragon.

Drago: crap return Blastoise go Gyarados

As Drago launched a ultra ball onto the field I'll pop a water-flying type Pokémon

Drago: Gyarados, use waterfall to take out that snake

Gyarados roared and dashed forward with a wave of water and knocked out the snake

Riahan: Bring the storm, my partner will send everyone in the stadium flying!

Riahan returned Duraldon and made is Pokeball larger and Duraldon came out and now looked like a skyscraper.

Drago: *mimics bob's Voice* That's a big bitch!

Riahan *mimics Mr. monitor's Voice* STOP BREAKING THE LAW ASSHOLE!

Raihan: This is our signature move use G-MAX DEPLETION!

Duraludon used G-MAX DEPLETION and knocked Gyarados out in one hit.


Drago: Goddamn it bitch all right you done fucked up now go Dragonite

Drago baseball pitched a poke ball onto the field and out popped a fierce dragon.

Drago: All right Dragonite, Gigantamax!

Drago returned Dragonite and his poke ball gru and Drago threw him behind him and Dragonite crew two face Duraldon

Drago: Dragonite use G-MAX DEPLETION!


A/N play rim 12:16 to12:54

Riahan: Impossible! How can I be defeated now I understand how you've been able to best all gym leaders. Here, both of you take this Dragon badge.

Drago&Marine: Yes we have our Final gym badge. Hell, yeah!

As Riahan gave the pair the gym badge he said this.

Riahan: Now that you do have beaten me, I expect you to win against my true rival Leon.

Drago: Don't worry Riahan, I don't plan on doing to Leon especially since he endorsed me, I'm going to share his pristine record!

Riahan: I like your spirit kid. What is your name?

Drago: Drago Fireheart.

Raihan: Well I look forward to seeing what you are capable of. Good luck!

End of Episode

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