Season 3 Episode 7

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Story so far
Drago has defeated Gym leader Bede and made his way to the champion battle but before the battle could begin Rose had decided to enact his plan for the darkest day now Leon and Drago I rushed off stop him

The episode begins NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rose: Time to test this power!

Drago: Are you insane!

Rose hits the button and a massive explosion happens in the middle of the stadium

Leon: Crap, we have this rose tower and stop this!

Drago: Right, let's go stop Eneratus!

A/N To fill you in chairman rose has summoned a Eneratus when he activated the explosion in the stadium

At the Tavares Tower Eneratus was already in his Enternamax form

Drago: ah Great he's on his full power form great just great ugh

Just then Drago here's a Howl

???: howls

Drago: what was that?

Suddenly two dog like Pokémon landed on either side of Drago one Pokémon had a sword and the other one had shield

Drago: OK are you to get a fight with me or are you just gonna stand here and let me get my ass beat?

Zacian: (telepathically) no we are here to save this region

Zamazenta:(telepathically) together with the hero

Drago: wait did you just speak to me with telekinesis powers?

Zacian&Zamazenta: *sighs* yes

Eneratus was getting mad because he was being ignored

Drago: Um I think the Giant scary dragon is getting mad because we're ignoring him

Zacian: (telepathically) you're right brother let's take him down!

Zamazenta:(telepathically) True that you help to Hero

Drago: I won't let you down!

Eneratus fired off a max flare attack but the three heroes dodged his attack and they counted it with their most powerful attacks

Zacian:Behemoth Blade!

Zamazenta: Behemoth Bash!

Drago:Fire Blast!

All three attacks smashed Eneratus right in the face and he was dizzy

Zacian: (telepathically) now Hero Now your chance catch him and end this nightmare

Drago: you got it GO,DYNAMAX BALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Drago chucked the Dynamax ball at Eneratus and quickly captured him

Drago: aw yeah I got some dragon Pokémon Boo Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!

Zacian: (telepathically) well done Hero now it's time for us to leave

Zamazenta:(telepathically) yes you must go back to resting place

Drago: you you can't go back think of how old people would celebrate you as heroes who defeated the Giant World destroying dragon with me how cool would that be?

Zacian: (telepathically) we know you have that one goodbye hero keep protecting this World with your life.

Drago: do you have my word I will.

Zacian and Zamazenta jumped into the sky and vanished

Drago: Hey they go wow

Send me drago's phone rings

Drago: again with the goddamn calls I need to this phone fixed *picks up* hello?

Rose: If you want to see your girlfriend again, come to my tower!

Drago WHAT?????????????????????????

What has happened to Lillie find out in the next episode

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