Season 3 Episode 1

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Story so far
Drago, Lillie and Marnie have gone to Chichester and Drago and Lillie have a big fight and Drago told hop that he be a battle rather in the campion's cup and hop and Drago got into a fistfight

The episode begins NOW!!!!!!

We join the trio in the Circhester motel

Drago: God, I have to fight Gordie! I hate rock types.

Lillie: Why?

Drago: Just because! I don't know!

Marnie: Well, we should get to the gym. We don't wanna keep the Gym Leaders wait'n any longer.

Drago: *sighs* Alright, it's show time!

The Trio Arrive in the Circhester Gym. The Challenge is that the challengers have to find their way through the mazes without falling though the invisible pits. The pits can be detected by the metal detectors each challenger gets. Marnie was able to go though all of the mazes with relative ease. Drago, on the other hand, had it extremely difficult, as he fell down in 20 of the traps. But he was able to push on and finally made it to the end.

Drago: Ugh! I think the traps gave me a concussion. Now I hate rock types even more. I'm definitely gonna record Gordie after this. And I'm gonna post it on PokeTube for all to see. And it will be good for my side "business".

Soon Drago makes it on to the pitch and is greeted by a vey pissed-off Gordie.

Gordie: You will regret threatened to record me.

Drago: Yeah, I'm sure I will. I probably have people set up cameras to record the exact moment. you burst into tears.

Gordie: GRRRRRRRRR! Go, Stonjier!

Drago: Oh, Crap! Go, Dreadnaw!

Gordie and Drago's Pokemon appeared in on both sides of the pitch. Both are anxious and ready to battle.

Gordie: Stonjier, use Wonder Room!

Stonjer was surrounded by a light blueish glow and his defense and special defense stats are swapped with Dreadnaw.

Drago: Are you fucking shitting me?!?!?!!? My defenses are complete useless!

Gordie: Thats what you get for threatening to record me!

Drago: I've had enough of this! Waterfall!

Dreadnaw rushed up a Stonejer with rush of water and knocked it out.

Gordie: Damn it! Go, Custle!

A crab holding a slab of stone appeared and was ready to battle.

Dargo: Ah, great! A fucking crab! Waterfall!

Dreadnaw hits Crustle with Waterfall and inflicted an insane amount of damage. Crustle was immediently knocked out cold.

Gordie: I'll teach you to mess with me! Go, Kabutops!

Drago: Great! A Water/Rock type. I know what to do. Dreadnaw, return! Go, Abomasnow!

A large snow man appeared and bowed. Kabutops, a bipedal crustacean Pokemon with scythes for arms appeared opposite him.

Gordie: Oh, great. The Abominable Snowman is here! That's hilarious!

Drago: That's what you think! Wood Hammer!!!!!!

Abomasnow stomped on the ground and a giant piece of wood erupted from the ground and slammed down on Kabutops like a hammer. Kabutops was imediently knocked out, making Gordie furious.

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