Fresh Air

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Shaugn tightened his laces on his hiking shoes and did a few stretches. Too much pent-up energy and sitting too long to do a project was no good for the body. Not to mention, the irritation from his mother and a client wanting to change everything at the last moment had him mentally on edge as well.

He put in his earbuds and pulled up the ancient music playlist on his phone. The sounds of the tonkori strummed into his ears filling him with a sense of peace. He took off on the trail totally immersing himself in the sounds in his ears and the lush greenery before him.

The trail he ran lead through a forest and eventually narrowed to a cliffside trail. On one side was a hill filled with verdant trees and shrubs. The other was a ledge with a view of the surrounded lake. Similar to a black diamond ski trail, it wasn't a trail for beginners. One had to have a special card showing they passed the required first aid and safety class and trail training to hike this particular trail. Shaugn had been hiking this particular for more than five years.

The park had many beautiful trails, but he liked this one the most. It was the most peaceful due to the lack of people. The contrasting views provided him with inspiration which he would take back to work. Different types of birds flew overhead or settled in the trees making it a good spot for bird watching as well. Shaughn always found something new and awe-inspiring whenever he came.

A caw drew his attention to the dark shadow circling overhead. Shaugn slowed to a stop and took a few steps near the edge to watch and admire the view. Eagles often dove for the fish in the lake below but no matter how many times he saw it, Shaugn was still amazed. The speed and precision which eagles used to swoop in and snag their prey were exciting.

Flapping its massive wings, the eagle began its descent over the crystalline water. Each circle brought it closer and closer to its prey. From his vantage point, Shaugn could just make out the small school of fish just below the surface. Zooming in on its prey, the eagle's wings opened wide. Its legs extended and sharp talons dipped into the water hooking a large bass. Then with a tuck of its legs and flap of its wings, the eagle flew off to devour its meal.

After watching to the end, Shaugn let out a breath and smiled. "Simply beautiful." His mood was much better after watching so he turned to the trail to head back. The sun would begin to set in another hour or so and he still hadn't eaten much for the day. His eyes landed on the forestry beside the trail and he froze before he could take a single step forward.

The most beautiful pair of amber eyes stared back at him. Sun rays glinted off the ginger and ochre pelt making it appear to be moving light. The puma had been in the middle of trying to go around Shaugn and froze at the same time as he did. They both stood there mesmerized, trying to figure what the other was going to do. Shaugn was so taken by the puma's beautiful golden-orange coat that he almost forgot that pumas could be dangerous. Soon as it registered, he felt a chill run up his spine.


Shaugn's heart went from zero to a hundred thinking about his predicament. While pumas didn't normally attack humans, it was still a very real possibility. If that happened, his only options were to try to fight it, run, or jump over the side and pray. He glanced over his shoulder to where he'd been standing near the edge. If he ran the puma might not give chase. It was fifty-fifty. If he jumped, there was a steep fall full of trees, rocks, shrubs, and who knew what else. If he fought – well, considering a puma had four paws with razor-sharp claws and a mouth full of sharp teeth, the odds were not in his favor.

What to do?

Remembering the pepper spray in his backpack, Shaugn very slowly moved his left hand behind his back. If he could get it out of the side pouch, if the puma attacked, he might be able to use it to get away. He made sure to keep his eyes on the puma as his hand slid along the nylon. The puma had better eyes than Shaugn gave it credit for. Though it was looking at the nervous human, it shifted its body weight and narrowed its eyes. Shaugn could feel the sweat beading on his skin.

If it pounces, I'm fucked.

Shaugn licked his upper lip and tried to control his breathing. It would do no good to panic. His hand reached the zipper on the bag and began to pull it. He cringed when the zipper made a loud tearing sound. The puma looked at him and Shaugn closed his eyes and cursed his bad luck. The puma let out a low growl making a tremor run through his body.

Damn. Just a little bit more.

His arm endured the pain of overextending as his fingers slipped inside. Sweat rolled down the front of his nose leaving behind an itch he dared not scratch. His fingertips grazed over the pack of wipes and the protein bar before touching the hard plastic top of the pepper spray.

Just a little bit more.

The puma lowered its shoulders and its ears flicked back. Shaugn cursed in his head. He clasped the canister firmly and began to pull his arm back. If the puma struck, he'd have mere seconds to deploy the pepper spray.

As if it sensed his intentions, the puma launched itself at him. Shaugn swore loudly as he turned to the side to avoid having his face and front mauled. His backpack took the brunt of the puma's clawed attack as he was knocked to the ground. Shaugn released the safety on the pepper spray and pressed down. The puma roared and swiped him with its paw before moving to the side. The side of his face began to burn as some of the spray landed on him.

He jumped up on his feet and started to run. The puma shook its head and chased after him. Every god that ever existed was cursed from the depths of his soul as Shaugn ran for his life. From his peripherals, he could see the puma catching up. What the hell was going on? The puma should have given up.

A sharp jerk of his pack yanked Shaugn off the trail. His hands reflexively went out to brace himself for a fall but he found he was airborne and flying over the side of the cliff. Shaugn couldn't help but scream. Is this how his life ended? Thrown over a cliff by a puma? Would they find his body or would he be one of hundreds declared missing?

He let out a loud grunt as his body slammed into the ground. Small rocks and sticks poked into his flesh. The world switched from above to below and below to above over and over as he tumbled end over end. Rocks and branches lashed at his skin sending searing pain through him. He tried desperately to grab onto anything to stop his fall to no avail.  It was only then he realized he was falling head first. Knees, elbows, shoulders, and hips hit the coarse ground bringing him fresh waves of pain. Just as he was becoming nauseous from the spinning of the world, the back of his head collided with something and there was nothing but head-splitting pain before blackness.

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