His Bottom Line

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With that, Xoan motioned to Radagar who was only too happy to usher King Jidan out. He grabbed the arrogant king by the arm and dragged him from the room. The king's protests and demands to be released were ignored and two other guards joined the head guard in removing the king. Xoan kissed the side of Shaugn's face and continued eating.

"Why not take the bribe?" he asked after a few moments. "You wouldn't be the first to do so."

Shaugn groaned in delight as he chewed on some vegetables. The food here was almost as good as the palace. He ate another bite before responding. "Because if I take one then I'll have to take others. Not to mention, it puts me in a position of having to owe favors and make exceptions all the time. Not worth the headache."

"The empress is wise."

Shaugn sucked his teeth. "Besides, that arrogant bitch insulted me twice."

Xoan's eyes darkened. "He nearly had a sword in him."

"You shouldn't be so quick to react to provocation from lesser men." He cocked a brow as Xoan's dagger pointed at him. What a temper.

"I'm a warrior emperor. My sword lets every man know not to trifle with me or my empress."

Shaugn batted his eyelashes and pushed the dagger aside. "My hero." He chuckled as a piece of meat was stuffed into his mouth by a perturbed Xoan.


They made quick work and polished off nearly half the dishes. Shaugn felt like his stomach had become a bottomless pit as he kept eating while Xoan leaned comfortably to the side and watched him. Seeing the emperor's relaxed posture, Shaugn thought it was a good time to probe his mind regarding the harem. He topped off Xoan's drink and slowly fanned himself. "Tomorrow is the luncheon with your other wives and children."

Xoan's hand still for a moment before he guzzled the wine in his goblet. "Yes."

Shaugn refilled the empty crystal goblet. His mom used to say 'the fastest way to a man's heart is through his stomach.' He decided to see how true that was. "It is your going away lunch and I won't have them cause a scene."

"You are the empress. Whatever you deem necessary, do so."

He put a small bit of food on Xoan's empty plate and continued to prod. "Even if I have them physically punished or dock their allowance?" 

Xoan sat up and began to eat the things on his plate. "These things are within the realm of the empress's power."

"Exile? Death?"

Radagar and the assistant, Xaveh, looked on with raised brows. Xoan's chopsticks stopped in front of his mouth and his brow raised in curiosity. He looked at Shaugn with mirthy eyes.  "Beloved empress, do you plan on murdering my wives while I'm away?"

Shaugn gave a devious smile before putting a piece of fruit in his mouth. "Maybe. If I'm provoked."

Xoan smiled showing a dimple on one side. "Well, as long as it's deserved."

"Really?" His eyes widened. He was only being half-serious. Killing wasn't his nature. But he knew how to make a person miserable.

"You know my feelings towards most of them." Xoan took a sip of his wine. "Except Dane and Jazzaia."

"Of course." Shaugn tapped the fan on his thigh in thought. "I would like for Faizan to be allowed to come more often."


"I wish to explore some spiritual matters with the abbot."

"Spiritual matters?" Xoan repeated.

Shaugn nodded.

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