Out of Sight

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Xoan's entourage rode at a brisk pace with plans to camp in the wilderness along the way. He wanted to get there sooner rather than later and get back home to his empress. Without faster means, the entire visit would take almost a month. The last time he was gone for so long he returned to a broken, empty empress. It was then he learned how truly treacherous the consorts were. Only he had no evidence so he could do nothing about it. Though this trip was necessary, he was filled with endless anxiety. A lot could happen in a month.

The ride had been bumpy and dusty which was nothing to the battle-hardened soldiers. The only thing that made it barely tolerable was the boxed meals prepared for the soldiers under the direction of the empress. At lunch, the soldiers and guards sang the empress' praises. After lunch, the journey seemed faster and less tedious. As the night took over from the day, their torches lit the road for miles around like a magnificent flame dragon winding through the country.

Inside the carriage, Xoan stripped off his crown and robes and handed them to Xaveh. Under his robes, he wore black trousers tucked into his boots and a shinobi-style jacket tied with a belt at the waist. He pulled his waist-length hair into a low ponytail then pulled a black head covering over his head leaving his eyes exposed. Xaveh neatly folded his clothes and placed them in a chest under his seat cushion.

"Do you think they'll try so soon, your majesty?" he asked, handing over a long sword hidden in the top of the carriage.

Stuffing a dagger into his boot, Xoan sat up and adjusted his sleeves concealing throwing knives and a wire. "They'll be foolish not to. No time like now. We're on a fairly narrow road in the open." He took the sword and looked at Xaveh a moment. "Make sure you keep on the route. If you find your way blocked –"

"We shall fight through and rush ahead, your majesty."

Xoan nodded. "Good."

"I hope the empress has an easier time than us during this time."

"Doubtful. Those that are impatient will see this as their opportunity to cause problems for the empress."

"Should we send someone back?"

Did they need someone to rush back? Xoan rubbed his chin quietly while looking at the small warming stove in the corner. Images of his beloved empress flashed in his mind. Had it been before he definitely would have sent someone back. Now, the empress was standing firm and capable of handling things thrown his way. "Do you think the empress is the same as he was before his accident?"

Xaveh's brows furrowed in thought. "Now that you mention it, he does seem...changed."

"I thought the same." Xoan absently tapped his finger on his knee.  Flames danced in his eyes as he stared at the warming stove. His voice was low and far away as he lost himself in thought. "Almost like a different person."

"Your majesty?"

He'd thought about it many times since the empress woke up. It felt like the empress was different inside. He had some wild guesses but how could he explain something like soul swapping or rebirth without sounding like a lunatic? He shook his head and sighed. "Nothing. Just overthinking things."

"I thin-"

There was loud neighing and gruff voices outside. The riders and carriages came to a rough stop. Xaveh put out the light and pulled another sword out from under the cushion he was sitting on. Xoan lifted the curtain and peered into the forest.

There was scarcely any moonlight so the soldiers had been carrying lit torches to illuminate the road. The soldiers gripped their swords and faced the forest with their backs toward the carriages in a protective formation.

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