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How he'd transmigrated into this skewed, alternate reality, Shaugn couldn't tell. What he could tell was that he was in the capital city of San Mlima. San Mlima was just like its name, mountainous, which made it easy to defend from invaders. Xoan's ancestors slowly conquered or allied with their neighbors and half the continent was part of their empire. The other half consisted of several smaller kingdoms ruled by another emperor that was a relative.

It was similar to the feudal period in his own reality with a few differences. The people were a mix of Asians, Caucasians, Latinx, and those of Afro descent. In his own reality, these peoples were still relatively separated during the feudal period. There was a pseudo-caste system. The emperor was the highest in the land second to their god. After the emperor were all the minor kings followed by the other nobles. Then the healers and the farmers. Followed by the soldiers, laymen, and businessmen.

Shaugn rubbed his chin. Interesting. In his history, farmers were at the bottom of the pecking order with businessmen and laymen just above them.

"Kazim, why are the farmers and physicians ranked higher than the soldiers and businessmen?"

Kazim was polishing the desk when he answered. "Can you grow food, your majesty?"

Shaugn shook his head. "No."

Standing to look at him, Kazim pulled down his sleeves. "If we don't have farmers to grow the food and herbs, how can any of us live? How can we have medicine, seasoning, spices, meat?"

Fair point. Farmers were seen as the bottom of the heap because farming was considered 'dirty work'. Only poor people had to work while others could afford to order others to do the work for them. Thus, the wealthy were seen as above others. This view of farmers as valuable made a lot more sense.

Akechi added another flower to the arrangement on the nightstand and stood back with satisfaction. "And the physicians rank high because they keep us healthy and cure us when we're sick. From the unborn to the elderly, everyone relies on a doctor for his skills."

Shaugn nodded. "Very true." At every turn everything he'd learned and been taught was being challenged to an extent. It was refreshing.

He continued to read his science book. Turning to the chapter on reproduction, Shaugn's eyes widened. In this world, there were males, females, and another group of people called dujshua. Dujshua were males with male genitals and female internal reproductive organs inside.

Shaugn put a hand on his lower stomach. This body could carry and nurture a child. A child could actually grow in his body. The world began to spin and he fell back against the pillows. Akechi screamed with fright.

Radagar and Kazim ran to the bedside and checked to see if he was still breathing. Seeing his chest still rising and falling, they deduced the empress was working too hard and pulled out smelling salt from the bedside table. The physician left it there along with several other items to treat the empress if need be. 

Shaugn bolted upright and gasped for air. "What happened?"

Radagar held onto him so he didn't fall off the bed. "You passed out, majesty."

"You're working too hard." Akechi fluffed his pillows. "You should rest more."

Any man from the 21st century would have the same reaction. Men didn't have the ability to bear children. Shaugn calmed them down by telling them it was low blood sugar. Akechi and Kazim ran out to the kitchen before he could say anything else. Shaugn shook his head. These two ninjas.

Radagar went back to the door and crossed his arms over his chest. Shaugn took advantage of their absence and speed-read the rest of the chapter. He had to find out everything there was to know of this special body.

Unlike the stories, there wasn't a cinnabar mole or lotus mark or anything really to identify dujshua from regular men and women. They weren't really any different from normal men in terms of outward physical build or appearance. The only way to tell a dujshua was if they fell ill for a two-week period once puberty hit. Their bodies would surge with heat and give off a floral scent – a sign the body was fertile and prime for pregnancy.

The gestation period was the same for a female. Dujshua didn't have periods but had a period of two days in a month when their body temps were higher than normal. They had to see a special physician due to the special nature of their bodies. The wrong medicines could have serious effects on their bodies. They also had higher miscarriage risk so they had to be extra careful during their pregnancy.

He closed the book and ran a hand through his hair with a groan. He wasn't unfamiliar with the concept of male pregnancy. He had a lot of sisters and they liked to read yaoi, bl, mxm, danmei – basically anything with gay romance. Thus, he knew of mpreg and had even seen a diagram on how it was feasible once. But it was happening to him. For real for real. This was beyond what he could mentally handle.

Shaughn rubbed his chin in thought. How many children did Xoan already have? Would he be expected to give birth to a child as well? It wasn't uncommon for the emperor to have children with the empress and the consorts. He shook his head. There was no way he was ready for that. And yet...

The door burst open and Kazim and Akechi rushed in with several platters of fruits and sweets. Shaugn facepalmed and shook his head. He had no one to blame for this but himself.

"Look at all this. How am I supposed to eat it all?" he asked.

Kazim rubbed the back of his neck. A light pink crept across his tanned cheeks. "We didn't know what you wanted, majesty."

Akechi nodded. "We just wanted to get something to get your blood sugar back up. The physician told us to take care of you. If his majesty found out you passed out under our care..."

Shaugn waved the comment aside and took a sip of juice. Xoan had been nothing but kind since he woke up over a week ago. "Pull up a chair and have some of this."

The three protested immediately. "Your majesty!"

"I-we can't."

"Said who?" Shaugn raised a brow.

Akechi shook her head. "It's just not proper."

Shaugn couldn't help but laugh at them. Ancient people were so stiff. "Pffft. I'm the empress. I say what is and isn't proper."

The three looked at each other.

He narrowed his eyes and changed his tone. "I command you to sit and help me eat all this or else."

Chairs appeared like magic and the three plopped in them as they reached for something on the trays. Shaugn laughed to himself as he popped a slice of fruit in his mouth.

"We were gossiping a few days ago. Tell me more about the emperor."

Akechi chewed on a berry. "But you should know all this, majesty."

Shaugn rubbed his head. "Things are kinda patchy. I guess my head injury was pretty severe if I forgot all that stuff."

Kazim and Akechi exchanged glances. After a few moments of silent discussion, Akechi cleared her throat.

*In my skewed world consort and wife are interchangeable


dujshua (doosh-wah)

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