The 6th Prince

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Shaugn spent some time resting after his tiring visit with Faizan. The priest was not what he expected at all. Surprisingly, they got along like the best of friends. In his previous life, Shaugn was a bit of a lone ranger. He didn't even have any pets. Here he had a husband, a bestie, a giant cat that loved head pats, servants at his beck and call, and a slew of guards ready to throw their lives away to protect his.

Life was good.

The next day he lay in bed thinking about his new life. He made up his mind to change his '21st-century all men are equal independent I can do things myself manly man' mentality to fit the times. As the second in charge, he needed to get used to people bowing and being subservient to him.  As a man used to having women in charge, he also had to get used to giving out orders without feeling guilty about it. 

"Has my sister-in-law finally recovered?"

Shaugn felt his eye twitch. The sixth prince. Xoan's youngest brother and one of two OG got along with. The sixth prince was only twelve. Xoan practically raised him since his birth when his mother died. A wisp of memory lit up in Shaugn's brain. He smiled as the young prince fully entered the room.

The sixth prince looked just like his older brother and their father except for his light brown eyes and hair. A spoiled and pampered child, Nirik still had layers of baby fat on him making him more round than other boys of the same age training to be warriors.

"You've come to see me, little brat?"

"Is this how you speak of the great me?" Nirik pouted. "Big brother said you needed quiet and rest. Otherwise I would have come sooner."

"Great me my ass." Shaugn rolled his eyes. This brat was mischievous and hid behind cuteness to get out of trouble when reason failed. "What brings you here? Should you not be studying? Does tutor Meng know you're not in your classroom?"

Nirik put a hand over his heart and gasped with mock hurt. "How mean. I came here out of sheer goodwill and concern for my brother's wife. Who knew you were so malicious after your accident."

The young prince reminded him of his eldest sister's son. He too was a bit of a narcisist and troublemaker. A bright child, he didn't like to study and gave his sister so much of a headache she'd call Shaugn to talk sense to his nephew. Shaugn gave Nirik a deadpan expression. "Play the victim if you want to. You're hardly that delicate, you little shit."

The young prince put down his act and gave a one-shoulder shrug. "Meh, true. You gotta admit my acting skills have improved, eh?" he nudged Shaugn's side and laughed to himself.

Shaugn rolled his eyes. "Hopeless."

The smile disappeared from Nirik's face as he sat beside Shaugn and held his hand. Shaugn had been married to his brother for six years now. He was practically the young prince's parent. He'd been beside himself with worry when he found out his other parent had been injured. He'd already lost his mother to infection after his birth and his biological father on the battlefield.

He scanned Shaugn with a worried look. "Brother-in-law, are you really alright?"

Shaugn smiled. Such a tough acting brat was softer than cotton candy. "Yes. I was in a bad state but, I'm fine now."


Shaugn nodded and kissed Nirik's forehead. "If it was serious, your brother would have told you."

"No, he wouldn't. He'd keep me in the dark so my studies aren't affected." Anger crossed his features.

Shaugn raised a brow. "Do you resent him for it?"

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