His Emperor

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Emperor Xoan Longwei was twenty-four, twelve years Shaugn's junior. He was the third son of the former emperor and his second concubine. A warrior emperor, Xoan's father didn't tolerate lawlessness in his soldiers nor his six wives and eight children. Everyone was treated fairly and with respect. He didn't tolerate infighting or favoritism. The former emperor loved each of his children dearly and doted on them much to the scolding of their mothers.

The emperor was preparing to hand the throne down to the oldest son when he was killed in the most heinous way anyone had ever seen during the war with invaders from the sea. The entire kingdom had been devastated and filled with killing intent. Enraged, the emperor and all their armies charged into battle to avenge their beloved prince's death. They fought valiantly and beat the invaders back into the water. The emperor lost his life in the process.

Xoan was a mere thirteen. His second older brother was born physically impaired and was unsuitable for rule so the responsibility fell to him. His brother served as an advisor and helped Xoan from the side. Two younger brothers under him served as generals, one in the navy and the other in the ground army. His eldest and youngest sisters were both married and the youngest brother was still a child.

The young emperor was enthroned just three months before the first woman was stuffed into the harem by the grand royal mother – his grandmother. His first consort was the daughter of the general beside his eldest brother. She was offered as compensation for her father's inability to protect the royal blood. Xoan took her in but didn't touch her. They agreed to be married in public only. To this day Jazzaia remained untouched by him.

A year later, because there were no children, the ministers demanded it and his second consort arrived. Older by three years, Sieh was the daughter of a new ally. Sieh was innocent on the outside but a demoness inside. She had been well trained in the art of seduction and manipulation. She would spike Xoan's wine whenever he came to have dinner with her and took what she wanted from him. He wanted to execute her when he found out, but she was found to be pregnant with his child.

An ambitious maid climbed into his bed becoming the third consort and the one that the 17-year-old emperor hated the most. Xoan had always protected his reputation and done everything in a just and morally upright manner. To have someone else lie and use tricks against him showed the young emperor people could not be trusted. Especially women.

Shaugn sat on the bed and listened to the two attendants speak with rapt attention. He'd seen and read many stories and dramas where people did the exact same things to gain favor, power, and money. It was a different feeling to live it. He felt sorry for his poor husband.

"What else?" he asked.

Akechi put a hand to her cheek and tskd. "Your majesty, if I didn't know better, I'd think you were way too interested in these gossips."

Shaugn smiled and bit into a pastry. "But they aren't gossips. They are my husband's past that I can't remember."

Kazim nodded. "This is true."

"I can't be of any use to him if I don't know anything."

Akechi looked at Kazim who shrugged.

She sighed and took a sip of her juice. "Very well. Let's see. By nineteen he had seven consorts and four children. He seemed to go through a dark period at this time."

Shaugn frowned. "Dark period?"

Kazim nodded and looked out the window. "Yes. His temper was frightening. The grand royal mother died, things were tense with the country of Nidajo, and the first prince was poisoned."

Shaugn's eyes widened. "They poisoned the prince? Who? What happened?" He was angered and interested all at once. In his modern time, only rich people with mistresses did this sort of underhanded thing. But most civilized people agreed; children were off-limits.

Akechi dabbed the corner of her mouth and smoothed out her skirt. "The emperor was busy with diplomatic affairs and the consorts were battling for power and attention. Someone poisoned the first prince during the annual family gathering at the hot springs. There were so many people, no one could pinpoint when, how, or by whom the prince was poisoned."

"What did his majesty do?"

Akechi smiled. "He took the children from their mothers and gave them to me and another to raise for a time."


Kazim signed as he thought back on that time. "All the nannies, servants, and guards were punished and the consorts were restricted to their palaces for six months. Anyone that came near those children or spoke out of turn in the presence of the emperor was severely punished."

Radagar's eyes darkened. "There was also an attempted coup that year a few months after that incident. Some corrupt ministers and generals had their eyes on the throne."

Kazim nodded. "Ah. Right, right."

"The emperor and his cousin were attacked and nearly died outside." Radagar gripped the hilt of his sword and his eyes darkened. "Assassins managed to separate them from their guards. Many guards died that day, including my father. The emperor barely made it to the forests on the outskirts of the kingdom."

Shaugn's eyes widened and his mouth dropped open. Who would have the guts to try to kill the emperor? Or the better question was: who had the skill to kill so many guards and wound two highly trained members of the imperial family?

Kazim patted Akechi's hand as a few tears rolled down her cheeks and smiled. "But the gods were with him. He ran into a physician and his son who saved the emperor's life."

*Thank you for your votes, comments, and adds.  Hope you are all doing well out there. 😊


Jazzaia (Juh-z-eye-uh)

Sieh ( See-eh)

Nidajo (Nee-dah-jo)

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