Late Night Rendezvous

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The next morning, he had a sumptuous breakfast in his rooms while Nirik and Toshi had breakfast with the children he'd recruited and the princes and princesses. He also sent several guards in plain dress to deliver messages all over the city. He decided to walk around the palace and touch base with the staff and guards after breakfast.

The servants had been extra enthusiastic since he'd taken the children and put them to use elsewehere. Many servants brought him handmade gifts as a way to thank him for giving their children opportunities. A few tried to give him money which he refused outright.

The guards and servants walked a little taller with their heads a little higher and the palace was a little less gloomy in Shaugn's opinion.

He walked to the stables where some of the children were learning about horses. They had been broken up into groups based on ages to ensure they were being taught more efficiently. The older children were there learning about how to care for horses. Shaugn and his group stood off to the side and watched quietly.

One of the children had his face scrunched up and was complaining bitterly. "Wait until my father returns. I'll make sure he hears about this."

"What is he going to do?" Another boy stopped working and leaned on his shovel. "The emperor's own son is also mucking out stalls and tending to horses like us."

Another child chuckled. "Yeah. Is your father more powerful than the emperor?"

He was patted on the shoulder by a girl with her sleeves rolled up showing off her arms. "He must be a god. That's the only thing higher than the emperor."

Shaugn covered his smile with his fan as the children started laughing.

Prince Sion had his head down and ignored them. He'd been quieter since he fell into the pond and his mother was imprisoned. He had been shocked when he sneaked out to see his mother in the palace's prison. She had been stripped of her elegant clothing and fine jewels. Her clothes were dirty and hair disheveled as she wept on a bed made of straw on the floor. Deciding not to incur the empresses' wrath anymore, he put his head down and kept his mouth shut.

Shaugn made a mental note of the latest troublemaker and continued on his way. He found his way to the training grounds where a group of kids were learning martial arts. He spotted Toshi among the crowd, looking stern and focused on his lesson.

As if feeling Shaugn's eyes on him, Toshi's eyes landed on him in the entry. He gave a big toothy grin.

Laughing softly, Shaugn gave him a small wave then walked on. He visited each department in the palace and observed all the groups. He spoke with each servant to listen to their praise and feedback. When he sat down to lunch, he noticed Radagar seemed to have something to say. He dismissed all the servants and had the loyal guard sit.

"Radagar, we've known each other for some time. I'm sure you know by now if you have something to say to just say it."

Radagar nodded. "Yes, your majesty. I'm not so well spoken as Kazim and I fear I will sound...unintelligent."

Shaugn waved his hand. "I wouldn't think less of you for how you speak."

"Thankyou." He stared down at the table for a moment before taking a deep breath. "Your majesty, I just wonder...why do you have the children doing so many different jobs?"

"So they can be skilled at more than one job." Shaugn smiled at him over his cup. "Who says a tailor's son can only be a tailor?"

"I...see." He stared back at the table with a deep frown.

Shaugn laughed to himself. "My answer displeases you?"

The guard scratched the back of his head. "I'm not sure. I know you don't do things for such simple reasons."

"You're correct." Shaughn wiped his mouth with his napkin and popped a ginger candy in his mouth. "I don't know when but there is going to be a war. Some of these kids may get drafted or join willingly. Some may become guards. They may be in the palace when it is attacked. Trouble may come to their homes. Who knows?"

Radagar's eyes were wide with shock. Everything was so peaceful now and had been for several years.

As if seeing his thoughts, Shaugn scoffed. "Do you really think it's peaceful? All this infighting in the harem is tied to the court. The court is tied to themselves and their own interests."

Anger rose on Radagar's face. "Are you saying the court is plotting with others?"

"It's possible. But what I'm saying is, a corrupt court that doesn't think of the people is a danger. Unhappy citizens cause problems. Problems that can lead to rebellion or a coup."

"I see." Radagar relaxed and leaned back in his seat. "But how does embroidery help?"

Shaugn smiled mysteriously. "In two weeks you'll see what all my madness is about."

Radagar knelt heavily on the floor. "I would never presume to call the empress 'mad.' You are smarter than me and know what's best, your majesty."

Before he could stop himself, Shaugn took his fan and started smacking his guard with it. "Get up! Stop dropping to your knees at every turn! Do it again I'll let you kneel on broken pottery."

Radagar stood and accepted the hits without moving. "Apologies, your majesty."

He poked his guard in the forehead. "Keep it up and I'll find you a wife."

Wide-eyed, the steadfast guard who loved his job more than life, clasped his hands together and pleaded, "No! Please, your majesty. Anything, anything at all but that."

Shaugn shook his head and walked away with a smile. "Hopeless."


That evening, Shaugn and a few guards dressed in dark clothing and slipped out of the palace on horse. It was not yet curfew so many people were still buying and selling on the streets. They passed through the busy parts of the city to a quiet suburb. A quiet inn stood out of the way. Since this was an area where people had more money, the inn was cleaner and had more upscale décor with calligraphy, paintings, floral arrangements, and nicer linens. There were private dining rooms on the first floor as well as the second floor. The innkeeper brought them to the private room on the first floor, that was out of the way, and immediately went off to get them drinks.

When they arrived, the room was already full of people. Men and women of all shapes, sizes, and colors. Some were old and a few were young. They all turned to the door as Shaugn and his guards entered. When Shaugn took his head covering off exposing his face, they gasped and dropped down to kneel.

"Get up. Quickly," he seethed.

Looking at one another in confusion, they slowly stood.

"Forgive us, your majesty. We didn't know you would be here."

"I know." He walked to the head of the table and sat down. The others looked at each other again before they rushed to sit. Two guards went to stand outside while the others fanned out around the room. The waiter entered carrying several pitchers of drink and extra cups. Shaugn poured a cup for himself and sipped it while waiting for the food. He didn't speak to anyone and none of them spoke. They looked at each other asking with their eyes what was going on?

While they were doing so, Shaugn was quietly observing each of them in turn. Each person here was the owner of a brothel or a gambling house. Some of them operated a clean, honorable business. The others Smudges on their faces, scruff, oily hair, dry hair, slovenly dressed.

He took a sniff and regretted everything. Some were definitely lacking in hygiene. He waved his fan and prayed to any creator listening to let him make it through this without making a fool of himself.

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