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The waiter returned with two others carrying large trays of food. Fruit, meat, cheese, bread, and soup were laid out before them. A few stared with wide eyes while a few others shamelessly sniffed the air. Shaugn said nothing as he filled his plate and began to eat. Everyone looked at each other having silent conversations again. There were shrugs and animated facial expressions.

Shaugn watched, laughing inwardly for a while, before he raised his glass to his lips and paused. "If you wait any longer, the soup will be cold."

"What are we supposed to do, your majesty?" one of the well-dressed older men asked.

Shaugn looked at all of them with raised brows as if it was obvious. "Eat of course."

No one moved.

"What?" He smirked. "Do you want me to serve you?"

That lit the fire under them. They enthusiastically declined. "No!"

A young man who was clean but shabby dressed, wrung his hands together. "No, your majesty, we lowly dregs wouldn't dare."

"How could we expect such a thing from one so noble?" A woman laughed nervously. She looked around for help. When had they ever dined in front of anyone so important?

A woman wearing light pink robes, reached out and put a few pieces of fruit and cheese on her plate and started to eat. Everyone watched her every move, not daring to breathe as if they expected some tragedy to strike. When she finished chewing, her eyes lit up and she smiled. "The food is delicious, your majesty."

As if the switch was flipped, everyone sprang into action. The more refined maintained their decorum. They used the utensils and only took small portions. Those without any form of grace, reached across others, used their hands, and grabbed large portions that they wouldn't finish. Some had plates piled to overspilling. Food and juices littered the table.

Shaugn narrowed his eyes. What a bunch of savages. He took his fan out and slammed it down on the table. It made a loud clink sound drawing everyone's attention.

"I see some of you were raised with the pigs."

The guilty parties lowered their heads.

"In public, as a person of business, you should always maintain a sense of decorum. An air of elegance. It will help you gain reputation and wealth." He tossed a grape in his mouth and gave a sinister smile. "And you will mind your manners around me. If I lose my appetite, you'll lose something too."

They rushed to their feet with their fists over their hearts, bowing and apologizing. He waved them off and motioned for them to sit. He let them eat without interrupting them for a few minutes. As the wine poured, they relaxed and began to talk. Many gossiped amongst themselves about patrons in their businesses and some idle gossip about the citizenry.

This is what Shaugn wanted.

Once the eating slowed down, he had the table mostly cleaned up. One of the more posh businessman there, dabbed the corner of his mouth and turned to Shaugn.

"Pardon me, your majesty."

He raised a brow and smiled. "Yes? You are?"

"I am Lyn Devish. I run the most popular casino in the capital."

A dirty and haggard looking older man with brown teeth, spat to the side. "Ha! Popular only amongst the wealthy."

Shaugn side eyed the interrupter. The man shrank his neck and picked up a drink.

"Mr. Devish, please continue."

Devish sat up straighter in his seat and tugged on his jacket. "Thank you, your majesty. I wondered if you could explain why you called us all here? Though many of us are in the same business, we are not the sort to mingle on regular days."

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