Drowning Rats

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After the lunch, Nirik and Toshi took all the children on a tour of the common areas of the palace. The princes and princesses walked on the outside of the group while Shaugn trailed behind at the back. Nirik told them about the style and function of each room and its history. The servant children watched in awe and asked lots of questions while the princes and princesses looked bored. Akechi rejoined them at this time and was chattering in Shaugn's ear.

"Everyone seemed fearful when I arrived."

"Of course. They wouldn't expect someone from the palace to show up there."

She smoothed the front of her skirt. "Will they cooperate?"

Shaugn smiled. "They'll find it difficult not to."



Nirik stood to the side as they admired one of the courtyard gardens. A meandering river with a bridge took up half of it. there were trees sculpted into shapes and animals with a seating area set up with a chess table. On the other side were various white flowers. White gravel and pebbles littered the ground. There were two entrances to this garden. The one they just came through and an entrance beyond the bridge that lead to another larger garden space.

"This is the Garden of Purity," Nirik smiled. "It is a place of meditation and quiet reflection."

One of the young children tugged on the hand of an older child. "Are there fish in the pond?"

A boy missing his front tooth jumped up and down and pointed at the water. "I bet there's a turtle!"

"Can we see?"

Nirik looked up to get approval from Shaugn who nodded his head. "You can, but be careful. There is a deep end for the fish to escape the summer heat and winter cold. If you can't swim, stay away from there."

Some of the older children took the hands of the younger children and squatted near the edge to watch the fish swaying back and forth in the water. Lugh and two other boys his age were adventurous enough to stand on the bridge to look for other animals in the water. Toshi and a few other kids went over to the chess area while others chose to stroll and look at the flowers.

Kazim pulled a folding stool out of nowhere for Shaugn to sit. It was a lovely day. The sun was out and there was a slight breeze with the scent of grass and soft florals. The sound of the children's laughter made it hard for adults not to smile. The youngest princes and princesses migrated towards other children their age and were playing along. Sieh's two sons and Shilian's hovered in a corner by themselves whispering alone.

Akechi sucked her teeth. "I wonder what they're up to."

An older servant who followed out, spoke under her breath. "Can't be good, I bet."

"How could it?" Another servant whispered. "They are just as troublesome as their mothers. Pity the emperor for such rotten seed."

Shaugn chuckled to himself. "Are you sure the emperor won't take issue with you insulting his offspring?"

The servants paled and went to kneel but he stopped them. "Just be mindful of your tongue. You never know who is listening."

"Yes, empress."

Movement caught his eye and Shaugn paused his fan and sat up in his seat. He watched as the oldest prince, second, and third prince walked over with smiles towards the bridge. Lugh and another boy who had been leaning over poking the water with sticks, stood and saluted the young princes. There were a few words exchanged Lugh and another boy looked at each other with questioning glances.

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