Memorials Arrive

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When they arrived at the palace, Shaugn dismissed the guards so they could wash the stench of the camp off. It took all his effort to keep his nausea down. After he bathed and redressed himself, he joined Nirik and Toshi for a meal. He was pleased to hear Nirik say that tutor Meng had been overjoyed with Toshi's arrival. Though an orphan on the street, Toshi was bright and talented. Shaugn watched with a smile as Toshi described his conversation with Tutor Meng regarding the importance of horses. Seeing the time was getting late, he dismissed them and headed to the study. Not long after, the ministers of commerce, foreign affairs, and agriculture arrived.

The three ministers each presented Kazim with a gift for the empress which he put on the table in front of Shaugn. Pushing the gifts to the side without a look, he smiled and thanked them for their love. He waited for them to sit on the chairs provided before he spoke.

The ministers were in their thirties and forties. The minister of commerce was the oldest and had gray at his temples. He was thin but not gaunt. He had bright amber eyes and a kind smile. The minister of agriculture was the youngest but looked ten years older than the minister of commerce. He was a tall and robust man with thick hair that looked like it was thinning in the front. His tanned wheat colored skin was dry and he had a few crow's feet in the corners of his eyes. 

"I don't like to draw things out so let's get right to it."

The three ministers looked at each other. They were mainly ministers in name only. Their departments were easily looked over and their funds taken away by others. The emperor rarely spoke to them alone so it was quite a surprise when the empress summoned them.

Shaugn observed their faces. "Do you know why I called you here?"

The foreign minister gave a slight bow. "The humble minister is at a loss, your majesty."

"Please, your majesty, instruct the humble ministers," the minister of agriculture added.

"What are your names?"

"The minister is called Satum," the minister of agriculture said.

The minister of commerce spoke next. "I am Falih."

"I am the minister of foreign affairs and I am called Emin, your majesty." Emin put his hand over his heart and formally bowed.

Shaugn smiled. Emin was poised and well spoken like a true diplomat. "It is nice to formally meet you."

"The pleasure is ours, empress."

"Every year the empire seems to suffer from costly and catastrophic natural disasters."

The ministers looked at each other again. This was common knowledge.

Satum sighed. "This is the way it has always been, your majesty."

Shaugn leaned forward. "Why?"

The minister's eyebrows covered his eyes. "Pardon?"

"Why is this the way it always has been?"

The ministers' eyebrows formed deep valleys on their foreheads as they contemplated the question.

Shaugn sighed inwardly. The ancestors were so backwards and short-sighted. He leaned back in his chair and draped his arm over the back of it. "What if I told you that some disasters could be prevented and the cost and losses reduced?"

The ministers' jaws hit the floor.

Satum grasped Emin's arm in excitement. "Is this true?"

Falih and Emin looked at each other and shook their heads. "There's no way."

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