Currying Favor

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Shaugn, Akechi, and Kazim looked behind them as several stomachs rumbled. A few of the guards looked off to the side or had red tinges to their cheeks. Radagar covered a cough.

"Apologies, your majesty. We were up early for training and didn't have breakfast."

He gave a half nod and they continued on the way. Aside from the clunking of the guards' armor, the walk was silent enough. Some of the walls in parts of the palace were thin and the sounds of outside or the servants moving around could be heard. Before long, they overheard a few servants walking by the storehouses talking. Shaugn caught part of their conversation and listned in.

"What is this smell? It's so...fragrant."

"Smells delicious."

There was  sigh. "Alas, we can only smell. We will never have such tasty foods."

Shaugn smirked and spoke to the people beside him in a lowered voice. "Don't worry. I will have them make enough for all of you."

Akechi's brows raised in surprise. "All of us?"

Shaugn nodded. "Yep."

Kazim's eyes were shining with excitement. "Even the household staff?" 

"Of course," Shaugn opened his fan.

Radagar felt the burning gazes of his comrades on his back. "Even the guards, your majesty?"

Lazily waving the fan, Shaugn simply murmured, "Mmhm."

Everyone looked at each other then dropped to their knees, shocking Shaugn to the core.

"Thank you, your majesty."

"The empress is too good to us."

"We're not worthy."

Two maids carrying clothing bundles entered the corridor and quickly knelt down when they saw the others. Shaugn looked over his shoulder and saw the staff near the entrance of the kitchens had all stopped working and were also kneeling. He sighed and rubbed his forehead with embarrassment. All this over a little food. If this was all it took to make them all so happy and obedient, then he had it made. 

"Everyone get up. Quickly."

Everyone stood and repeatedly bowed and nodded their heads . "Thank you, your majesty."

Shaugn dismissed them all with a wave. "It is but a small thank you for all that you do for me." Without waiting for response, he turned and walked into the kitchen looking for the head chef. A tall, thin man wearing a red apron stood over a large pot with a long-handled spoon in his hand. His silver hair was pulled back into a ponytail but several wisps had escaped and hung down in his face. His brows were drawn down in deep concentration.

Shaugn smiled to himself. Garnet took his culinary skills seriously. A former unit commander who was injured during battle, Garnet ran his kitchen and staff like a well-oiled machine. Everyone was clean and dressed neat. Their hair was tied up in scarves or cloth ribbons. Their hands and nails were clean and trimmed short.  Their cooking utensils, dishes, and work surfaces were spotless and labeled. The ingredients were organized into small baskets waiting to be cooked. 

"You shouldn't frown so much, Garnet. You'll get wrinkles."

Garnet smiled and gave a half-bow instead of kneeling since he was still stirring the pot. "Good morning, your majesty."

Shaugn gave a half nod and peered into the pot. "How are things coming along, chef?"

Garnet's expression changed to one of worry. "I hope his majesty is satisfied with our preparations. Although we have curry, we have never made these types of dishes before."

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