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                                                                🏳‍🌈Happy PRIDE!!🏳‍🌈

(unfiltered and unedited. Come for me later😜)

Shaugn strode out with his head high and his shoulders back. A wicked smile stretched across his face. Akechi and Kazim stood a little taller following behind their beloved empress. Their soft, lovable empress was proving to be a powerful leader - much like their emperor.

A small child stood at the end of the alley where their carriage was parked. The clothes hanging from his small frame were dirty and tattered. A mat of muddy, dark hair covered his head. His sunken cheeks made his dark brown eyes look almost comically big reminding Shaugn of a chibi drawing. The little street urchin had his fingers in his mouth as if he was going to gnaw his hand off to alleviate his hunger.

Shaugn ordered Akechi to get a snack from the carriage and approached the child. The guards hurried to walk in front of him in a protective gesture. The child's large eyes opened in panic and his hands clenched into fists. His eyes darted left and right looking for escape.

"Don't run," Shaugn tried to soften his voice so as not to frighten the child. "We won't hurt you."

Seeing the massive guards with their hands on the hilts of their swords, the child stood stiffly in place and bowed his head. He shouldn't have stopped in the alley to rest. His foot hurt and he was sleepy.

"Raise your head," Shaugn commanded. Seeing the frightened dark eyes, he gave a smile. This kid was the same age as one of his nephews albeit smaller in size. "What's your name?"

"T-toshi, your majesty."

"Toshi. That's a nice name. Are you hungry?"

There was a loud gurgling noise. Toshi covered his stomach and nodded.

Shaugn's smile widened. "This is Akechi – my servant. She's going to give you something to eat."

Akechi reached out and handed Toshi the bun she retrieved from the carriage. They watched in amazement as the fist-sized bun was gobbled up in three bites. Akechi handed Toshi a cup of water and stood back. Toshi downed the water just as fast and wiped his mouth with his dirty sleeve.

"Th-thank you, your majesty."

"You're welcome." Shaugn looked up and down the alley and didn't see any other children. "Why are you in the alley?"

"My foot hurt and I saw the horses and your carriage."

"You like horses?"

"Yes, your majesty. My father used to breed horses."

Shaugn frowned. A horse breeder should have made a decent living. Their child should have been able to have a full stomach and be nicely kept. This child was on the verge of starvation and his clothes looked like they would fall apart with a good tug. "Where is your father now?"

Toshi's head lowered. "He died when our village flooded half a year ago."

"Where is your mother?"

"Also died. I'm an orphan and refugee."

Shaugn rubbed his forehead. The ministers here were too inept. With the wealth of the treasury and several of the families in the capital, there was no reason why the refugees couldn't have a place to sleep and food to eat until they were able to get back on their feet. Not to mention the three temples and the priests that were supposed to minister and aid the poor.

"I'm sorry for your loss. You've struggled hard on your own." He looked at the child and rubbed his chin. San Malima experienced a rainy season in the late summer to mid fall. It was at that time that many floods and landslides happened. A few months later there would be a winter followed with heavy snow from time to time. Homes with thatched roofs would collapse or people would die of cold or hunger. Shaugn squinted his eyes as an idea struck him.

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