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"No-" I heard Barry's soft murmuring next to me, and his repeated stirring in bed waking me. "No, please- I'm begging you-"

"Barry?" I opened my eyes and glanced at the time, then at him, sitting up a bit and hugging the sheet to my chest at the concerning sight in front of me.

Barry's eyes were squeezed shut, his body shaking as he was now gripping the sheets in his fists, his breathing quickened. His murmurs had turned into screams. "No! No, don't do this- please- I can't- not again- no, stop!-"

"Barry!" I grabbed his arms and shook him awake, tearing him away from his nightmare.

Barry jolted away quickly and grabbed my arms, his eyes wide and his breathing heavy, frantically looking around until his eyes landed on me.

His body relaxed at the sight of me, before he was wrapping his arms around me and hugging me tightly into his chest before I could even utter a word out or express my concerns.

I silently hugged him equally as tight, deciding not to interrogate him while he was still in panic mode. Slowly, his breathing went to normal and his shaking had stopped, but his grip never loosened.

I lifted my head from his chest and looked up at him, my voice quiet. "Barry?"

"Yes, Zee?" Barry looked down at me.

I scanned his face a few times, keeping my tone quiet but serious. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"No, you know what I wanna do?" Barry's lips broke out into a weak smile, leaning his forehead against mine. "I wanna unpack- it's been an entire month."

I closed my eyes for a moment and touched my pointer finger to his collarbone. "Do not change the subject, Bartholomew."

"Bartholomew?" Barry softly chuckled at my words. "Am I in trouble?"

"It depends." I opened my eyes to look at him. "This is the third night in a row you've woken up screaming-"

Barry pushed some of my hair out of my face and then tangled his hand in my hair. "I know something else that's happened three nights in a row."

"Are you serious?" I leaned my head back into his head, scanning his expression in amusement.

"Hey-" Barry grabbed my bare leg from under the sheets we were tangled in and wrapped it around his waist, pushing me back into the bed, now hovering over me. "All I'm saying is, you were totally lying about the sex drive thing and- maybe we should make it part of our morning routine as well-"

"Fine, you can keep- changing the subject." I was stammering to find the right words at the feeling of him starting to kiss my neck. "But, I will get it out of you somehow."

And then, both our conversation and our movements halted at the sound of both our phones buzzing on one of the boxes of unpacked things we had just left on the ground.

Barry reached and grabbed his phone, rolling off me with a huff and scanned his screen. "It's a fire-"

"Richmond Heights-" I read from my screen and then looked at him when I found him staring at me, making me push his head playfully. "Go, Wally's gonna beat you there."

But, Barry didn't say anything. He just stared at me, scanning my face a few times, a wide smile on his lips.

"What?" I set my phone down and scanned his face back. "I know my hair looks like a mess, but that's your fault-"

Barry couldn't help but muster out a laugh, reaching over and putting a strand of my hair behind my ear. "I just really love you."

"Wow, you must really mean it if you're saying it when I look like this-" I began but was cut off when Barry pressed a passionate, loving kiss to my lips.

skinny love | barry allenWhere stories live. Discover now