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"Hold him steady!" Cisco quickly called out to Barry and I as we struggled to keep Professor Stein still when we had brought him to the Med Lab, the flames on his head bright blue.

Caitlin held the tablet in her hands tightly, looking from the screen to Professor Stein, "He's dropping out-"

"Come on, come on, come on, come on-" Cisco quietly mumbled to himself, placing a device on his chest, messing with the buttons.

Caitlin quickly said, "Cisco, we're losing him!"

"Got it!" Cisco replied just as quick, pulling his hands away, Professor Stein cooling down, out cold, a sigh of relief leaving our mouths, "Oh, dios mio."

Cisco sat down, "Thank God-"

Barry looked up, "He's getting worse."

"Look, I did what I could to re-engineer Dr. Wells' original stabilizer to quell the reaction, but I don't know what he used as a power source." Cisco got back up and lead us into the cortex, "Best I could find was the one from his wheelchair."

I followed, "And how long will that last?"

"Well, that's the problem, is we had already used up most of its energy trying to dampen the metas' powers during our little rogue air trip with Weather Wizard and company." Cisco faces us, "I think we got a few days tops."

Barry came to my side, "And he's stuck in bed?"

Cisco nods, "Yeah, when he wakes up, I'm gonna transfer the stabilizer to this, give him a power cane, get him moving."

Barry sighs, "We gotta figure out a way to save him."

"I think I might know how to do that." Caitlin walked over to the console, setting down her table and brings something up onto the screen.

I looked at her, "You- do?"

"When the Particle Accelerator exploded, the dark matter that collided with Professor Stein fused with the Firestorm matrix and altered the normal molecular processes that occurs within his body." Caitlin began to explain, "Those highly reactive molecules needed something to bond with in order to stabilize."

Cisco points, "And that's where Ronnie came in."

"Yes, and now that Ronnie is no longer a part of Professor Stein-" Caitlin continued.

I place my hands on my hips, catching on, "Those molecules don't have anything to bond to."

"And the longer he goes without merging, the more unstable he becomes." Caitlin nodded a little.

I nodded, "All right, got it, so, what do we do?"

Caitlin trails off, "We find another participant."

"Okay, cool, so, how do we do that?" Cisco questioned, "Are we just gonna make a Tinder app for potential meta-humans? 'Cause I'm pretty sure merging with Stein and randomly bursting into flames sounds like the biggest "swipe left" of all time."

Barry lightly shrugs, "I mean, even if we could find someone willing, Stein can't just merge with whoever he wants."

"No he can't, but- I have done some research, and found two potential candidates that might be compatible with him." Caitlin walked back over to the console and pulled up two profiles, "They both were affected by the dark matter, and they were both admitted to the hospital showing symptoms of gene rearrangement mutation- and they both share the same blood type as Professor Stein and Ronnie."

"All right." Barry nods and leans against the small railing, "I mean, this is more than organ donation, we'll need more than tissue typing to see if their bodies are compatible."

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