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"Harry!" Cisco walked with me, immediately backing against the wall when our eyes landed on the gun he held, "Don't shoot!"

"Why didn't you tell me that my doppelganger was dead?" I didn't care, charging right for Harry, stopping in front of him when he put the gun down, "You couldn't have just told me back on my Earth?"

"You wouldn't have stayed back either way." Harry shot at me, "You and I both know that-"

I snip back at him, "Well, it would've been nice to be all caught up to speed!"

"Can we talk about this later, Young? Thanks." Harry looks between us, "Where's Allen?"

Cisco walks over to us, "Zoom took him."

"What?" Harry's eyes widen.

"We tracked down Deathstorm and Killer Frost, met my doppelganger, Reverb- super evil guy, super evil powers-" Cisco started to ramble, "The three of them almost took down Barry until Zee stepped in and then, they were all shocked and pointing out the fact that her doppelganger was in fact, dead- but, then-"

I cut to the chase, "Zoom showed up, killed Cisco-2, killed Deathstorm for hurting a speedster- but, he left Killer Frost alive and took off with Barry."

"How are you still alive?" Harry looked between us.

"I don't know-" Cisco spoke before I could, "He for all close with Zee and told her he wouldn't hurt her-"

I add in, "Which is- weird-"

"No, no- Zoom doesn't do anything by accident." Harry thought, "Did he follow you here?-"

"I've seen "Heat" like 50 times, okay? I know how to shake a tail- he didn't follow us." Cisco pulled out his goggles, "But- check this out, I jacked these from my dead ringer- I think we can tweak these puppies- use them to find Zoom."

"Damn it, Ramon, we don't have time for this." Harry grabbed his fun, "Zoom is hunting us- Zoom is hunting us! We need to make an alternate plan, because if we don't, Zoom-"

"You know, you really know how to suck the fun out of everything?" I snipped at Harry, "Stop thinking like that-"

Cisco nodded along with me, "We're gonna find Jesse, and we're gonna find Barry- I know we will."

I look at Harry, "Got an extra gun?"

Harry shot me a look just to spite me, "That wouldn't be safe in the hands of a twelve year old-"

"I'm twenty four!" I slightly raise my voice at him in defense, staring up at him since he did tower over me.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" Barry's voice made us look down at the camera footage, his doppelganger shouting, "Okay, whoever's responsible for this, oh, ho, ho- boy, we're gonna have words, the two of us, okay? This is... this is not okay."

Cisco sighs, "Barry-2."


"Doctor, I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but my wife is a very well-respected detective in the Central City Police Department." Barry's doppelganger stressed when he followed Harry and Cisco out of the room they had locked him in, "She's got to be very upset."

I walked into the room, taking off Harry's jacket and putting on Barry's jacket over my tucked t shirt and jeans, "Gun me-"

Harry shot me a look, handing me one of his guns, "Be careful with it."

I shot him one back, "Really?"

Barry stares at me, "I thought I was seeing things."

Cisco exhales, "Whoa, this is heavy-"

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