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"This is from a security camera inside Iron Heights." I gestured to the monitor as we were showing everyone at Star Labs what was caught on camera.

"Forensic analysis indicates that the footage is genuine, no evidence of tampering." Barry stood by me, his arms crossed.

Cisco was seated, "And we're pretty sure this is Doctor Alchemy that did this?"

I nodded once, my hands on my sides, "The last thing Clariss said before he died."

Iris looks at us, "Unless someone else killed him."

"Like a meta with telekinesis or cloaking abilities." Harry sipped his coffee, "We've got both on our Earth."

Wally asks, "So- what do we do now?"

"Our meta-human specialist at CCPD, Julian Albert, he prefers to work alone, but- I got feelers out on his investigation." Joe said to us, "I'm gonna go there now and see if he dug up anything-"

"Okay, well, until then, you guys want to train?" Jesse questioned when Joe left the room.

"Well, now, we have to think about getting back to our Earth." Harry's words killed the mood, "We've been here long enough-"

"I've still got a lot to learn." Jesse put her hands up in surrender, "Your words, not mine."

"I-" Harry sighs, "Fine."

"Well, if you want to train, let's train-" Cisco spun in his chair, "Speedster style."


"Huh." Harry looked up from his tablet when we had gathered in the cortex after the training session, "Maybe we should stay a little bit longer."

Jesse sighs, "Yeah, I guess so."

"It's gonna take some time to master your powers, Jesse." Barry assured her, "You'll get the hang of it."

"Yeah, I know, thanks." Jesse then smiles lightly at Wally, "Well, since I will be here for a while, do you want to get out of here?-"

Wally grabs her hand, "Where to?-"

"Does it matter?" She smiled wider at him, before the both of them started to walk out of the cortex.

"No touching-" Harry stammers, shouting behind them when they ran off, "Not what I meant by staying longer!-"

"Wait, that's a thing? That's so cute-" I leaned against the railing, until Harry shot me daggers, "I mean- terrible-"

"Hey-" Barry placed a hand on my back, making shivers run down my spine, "Do you wanna come over to the house tonight? I figured we could- you know, hang, and-"

"Oh-" I looked at him, gripping the railing, "I'm sorry- I would- I really would, but- I'm busy-"

"Busy?" Barry blinks, "Oh- doing what?-"

"Cisco and I- uhm," I blinked, my eyes darting between him and Cisco, "We've got a thing- we need to do- you know-"

"Uhm- yes." Cisco sat up, clearing his throat, aiding my lie, "Zee and I have a thing."

Barry looked between us suspiciously, "A thing?"

"A thing-" I nodded quickly, "It's a secret-"

Barry squints his eyes, "Why is it a secret?"

"Because it's confidential information-" I crossed my arms, "I can't utter a word about it- or the word will get out, and everything will be ruined."

"I won't tell anyone-" Barry didn't look convinced at all, but played along with it anyway, "What is it?"

"Christmas shopping!" Cisco suddenly blurted out.

skinny love | barry allenWhere stories live. Discover now