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So much had happened in the past week that I couldn't even begin to process it anymore.

Joe had somewhat ended up in the hospital, due to some type of accident according to Barry and Joe.

Barry had treated me to a movie, but as per usual, he had to leave me to get something done.

My boss refused to let me write about what wasn't possible, so I had started a blog.

There was something going on in Central City and someone was out there stopping it.

And it only made my curiosity grow.

The Streak was seen on many different crimes, stopping them before they could go any further.

And The Streak was the only thing I wanted to write about.

My thoughts ripped away from me when the elevator opened as I walked into CCPD, noticing Barry walking toward the stairs, his eyes glued to a file.

"Hey-" I walked over to him, his head snapping up at the sound of my voice, "Coffee break?"

Barry smiles, taking the coffee from me as I sipped my cold coffee, "Thank you- what brings you here?"

"Well- I wanted to tell you something." I walked up the stairs with him, "I got an idea- and I'm so excited-"

Barry nods toward me, "Really, like what?"

I swallow the coffee in my mouth, "I started a blog."

"All right, what's it about?" Barry looked at me, "Your brownie obsession? 'Cause, you know, you probably shouldn't broadcast that."

"Barry!" I whine, this earning a laugh from him, "It's- about something important. Something that Central City needs to know about, something I've decided to shine light on- The Streak."

Barry instantly stopped walking and stared at me, the smile from his face fading.

I stopped with him and looked at him, "Barry- he's out there. He's saving people- preventing robberies- I mean, rumor has it, he stopped an armed car robbery earlier. I was hoping that I could take a look at the file, and-"

"What?" Barry stops me, and began to laugh, walking past me, "I'm not at liberty to discuss an ongoing police investigation with you."

"Come on- you've always let me!" I ran after him.

"Take it from someone who's been investigating the impossible since they were 11." Barry walked down the hall with me as we neared his Lab, "Blogging about this is only gonna bring the crazies to your front door."

I shrug, "My blog is anonymous."

"All right, well, anonymous or not, it's not safe." Barry told me, as we turned into his Lab, "You never know what kind of weirdos are out there trolling on the internet."

"I can vouch for that." A woman's voice made us both stop, as we looked in front of us, a blonde stood in front of us, pretty as ever, "The internet is full of weirdos and nerd rage- lots and lots of nerd rage."

"Hi." She smiles, holding her hand out for me, introducing herself, "Felicity Smoak."

"Zee Young." I shook her hand, smiling.

"Barry Allen." Barry joined in when Felicity and I let go, as we looked at him confused, him quickly following up, "But- you both already knew that."

Barry looks at me, "Felicity is-"

"The girl that you met in Starling City." I already knew, piecing it together, "You two worked on one of Barry's unexplainable cases."

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