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Eddie sat down on the couch at the West Household as we were all gathered there, "Where's Barry?"

"He should be here any second." Joe began, "I sent him out for-"

"Pizza!" Barry ran in, holding three pizzas, setting them done on the dining table.

Cisco cheers from the stairs, "What?-"

Eddie got up and opened the boxes, spreading them out, "From Coast City?"

"Supposedly the best in the west." Barry slipped off his jacket and tossed it to the side.

"Why did I not think of this before?" Cisco joins us in the living room, grabbing a slice, "Come to papa."

I looked up at our friend who was seated on the chairs alone, "Caitlin?"

Caitlin lightly shook her head, "I'm not hungry."

Barry plopped down on a chair, looking at me, patting the arm of the chair for me to sit.

I smiled at him, sitting on the arm of his chair, as he grabs two slices and hands me one, biting onto his.

"Okay, six months of investigating Harrison Wells has led us nowhere, so we're going back to the beginning to see what we can find out."

Eddie bites into a slice, "What does that mean?"

Cisco hits his beer bottle with Joe's, smirking, "Road trip, baby."

I looked at Eddie, "Joe and Cisco are going to go to Starling City."

"Starling City?" Caitlin repeats, "What for?"

Joe looks at her, "To investigate the car accident that Dr. Wells was in with Tess Morgan 15 years ago."

"I- I don't understand." Caitlin was honest, "Why?"

"Dr. McGee said that after Wells's accident, he became like a complete stranger." Barry chewed on a bite, "Just a different person entirely."

"Because the love of his life died?" Caitlin shot back and didn't want to believe her boss was a murderer, "You of all people can understand how grief can change a person."

"Caitlin, we believe that Dr. Wells is the Reverse-Flash and killed Barry's mother, and he may have done the same thing to Tess Morgan." Joe told her straight up, "We have to learn everything we can about that night, see where it leads us."

Cisco clears his throat, "Oh, um, can you cover for me with Dr. Wells?"

"You mean lie?" Caitlin questioned.

Cisco trails off, "Yeah?"

"I need some air." Caitlin exhales deeply as we all began protesting as she left the house.

Joe sighs deeply, "Doesn't look like Caitlin's with us."

"No, she's with us." I put the slice of pizza down and dust my hands off, "I'll talk to her."

"What do you want us to do here?" Eddie asks.

Joe's answer was simple, "Business as usual while we're gone."

Eddie nods, "Copy that."


I walked into Star Labs the next morning, dressed in high waisted dark wash jeans, a black sweatshirt on as it ended right where my jeans begin, white sneakers on my feet.

I set Caitlin's usual coffee in front of her, my wavy hair falling from behind my ears, "Good morning."

Caitlin exhales deeply, "Hey."

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