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"What you got for me, Cisco?" Barry's voice filled the comms, as Cisco, Harry and I sat behind the console.

"You've been playing Good Samaritan all morning." Cisco replied you him, "Take a break- you sure you don't want to get back here and give your wonderful, kind- stunning girlfriend who just so happens to be sitting right next to me your attention?"

"Scratch all of that-" I groan lightly, my head leant against my fist, "I forgot my jacket in my car and I skipped out on Jitters this morning-"

Harry looks at me, "What, you're cold?"

"Yes, I am, Harry-" I looked up at him, my expression straight, "I wouldn't have mentioned it if I wasn't-"

Harry grabbed his jacket from his chair and tossed it at me, as I snickered at him, "Oh, Wells- didn't know you cared-"

Harry sat back in his seat, "Yes you did-"

Barry suddenly ran in the moment I put the jacket on, setting my usual right in front of me, along with a small paper bag, leaning down and pressing a kiss to my cheek, "Here- fuel up-"

I looked into the bag, noticing the brownie, a small gasp leaving my lips as I put my hands over my mouth, looking at him, "And a brownie?"

"And a brownie." Barry nodded once, a small smile playing at his lips as he looked at me.

"Oh, god- you're an angel-" I groaned lightly, spinning my chair to face him, then attaching myself right to him, my head resting on his stomach.

Barry smiles lightly, hugging me back, placing a kiss on my head, then proceeding to ruffle my hair.

"Okay, okay- stop being all cute- respect for the single lads over here?" Cisco gestured to him and Harry, then groaned, throwing his head back, "I regret my decision-"

"No- 'cause, we cannot afford to waste any more time." Harry cuts him off, looking at his screen.

"What, 'cause we've just been sipping Mai Tais since you got here?" I lifted my head and looked at Harry, "If you think about it- this is good- I need attention or I can't function properly."

"She's right-" Barry points, "She's useful-"

"I don't know what you been sipping since I got here, but- Barry needs to get better, stronger, faster." Harry looked at us, "We need to train to prepare for Zoom."

"Oh, I see." Cisco grabbed his mug, "You haven't had your coffee this morning."

"I had my coffee this morning- don't slurp." Harry began to say, as I grabbed my coffee, doing exactly that with him as Cisco did with his, Harry giving us both slight glares.

The rapid beeping from the monitor made Cisco and I both quit it, "Runaway chemical transport truck heading south on Kester-"

"On it-" Barry put on his mask and ran off, and within seconds, his voice came through the line, "Hey, I can't stop the truck- somebody rigged it!"

"Barry, you can't let that truck crash-" I sat up quick, "If you do, you'll take out a whole city block-"

"Great." Barry dramatically huffed, "Thank you- thank you for that."

"You're very much welcome-" I sipped my coffee, "I know my commentary keeps things interesting-"

"Oh, and the plot thickens-" Cisco trailed off, "Uh, dead-end up ahead- you got to get out of there!"

Moments later, Barry's voice filled the line after he had taken care of the truck, "That one was a little close-"

"Nice!" Cisco clapped once, "Now- can you please, please take an actual break?"

skinny love | barry allenWhere stories live. Discover now