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Not gonna lie I didn't wanna be friends with the boys cuz I know they are just gonna try to fuck me and Nai which isn't going to happen. We aren't just some objects but they kept bugging and I didn't wanna hear them so here we are at Mattia's house.

Nai: bro shut the fuck up
Alvaro and Nai were going at it with eachother about what ice cream is best.
Alv: y/n chocolate or vanilla
I rolled my eyes sitting up looking at them.

You: chocolate dumbass
I heard Nai cheer and Robert groan.
Alv: no fair your her best friend
I shook my head no.

Nai: nope y/n loves chocolate so much she doesn't choose anything else
Nai came and tackled me when I was in Mattia's bed. Mattia Kairi and Alejandro were playing FIFA.

Alv: bitch I'm bored
I agreed with Alvaro kinda giving him a high five.
You: I'm going home Nai you coming
Everyone looked at me from whatever they were doing.

Kai: what why you leaving
I was grabbing my phone getting my things ready.
You: I'm fucking bored and tired so, Nai?
She shook her head no so I went to give her a hug.

Nai: bye babe love you
You: love you to bye boys

They all gave me a hug. I grabbed my skateboard off the floor sticking up the middle finger at all of them. I smiled walking out the door. I was doing some tricks when I finally got home, my mom was getting ready for a date. I'm happy she's moving on like it's been 10 years since my dad left us, Isaac on the other hand is still pissed off but I understand and me I honestly don't care cuz me and my dad never had a bond like him and Isaac did.

Mom: your bothers girlfriend is here so be nice
She gave me a kiss on the cheek before walking out the house.

Well I guess she met the girl and me I didn't. I went up to Isaac's room to say hi but when I walked in they were fucking.

You: oh shit my bad
Isaac tried to say something but I rushed out the door running into my room.

I was on TikTok just laughing at some stupid videos when I came across Kairi's page, I followed him and the rest of the boys. Ngl Kairi was fineeee asf but I'm not gonna be a toy. I was scrolling more when a I heard a knock at the door, I ran downstairs to see my brother opening it and his girl was sitting on the couch.

I: y/n your boyfriend is here
I rolled my eyes again pushing Isaac out the way. I saw Kairi smirking.

You: he isn't my boyfriend and why are you here
I questioned letting him in, he put his hand over his chest as if he was offended.
Kai: can't hangout with a friend
I groaned seeing Isaac stand next to me.

I: no sex at all
I punched him in the chest hearing his girl and Kairi's laughs.
You: he's not my fuck buddy or boyfriend just a friend and nothing more
I said with attitude bringing Kairi up to my room.

Kai: I love your room
He sat on my bed getting comfortable.
You: thanks
I laid on my bed next to him going on my phone.

Kai: what you wanna do
I put my phone down looking at him.
You: movie
I questioned, he nodded his head and I grabbed my remote putting Netflix on.

It was now 8:30pm and Kairi still hasn't left so imma tell him my mom was coming home that he had to leave.

You: oh shit my mom coming you gotta go
I played the part like I was freaking out.
Kai: shit should I go out the window
I shook my head no grabbing his hand bringing him downstairs.

You: bye Kai see you at school
Kai: later y/n
We hugged and I watched as he ran away. I laughed closing the door.

I: your evil
I looked behind me, Isaac and his girl were eating.
You: what he's annoying
I grabbed some takis.

I: what's wrong about him
I rolled my eyes once again.
You: he's a player which I don't like
I hissed at my brother.

I: don't get your heartbroken
I gagged at the thought.
You: I don't do relationships and you know why Isaac
I rushed up my room slamming the door.

The last time I was in a relationship I was so in love. Me and him were together for 3 years when I found out he was cheating the whole time and I was just a stupid bet. I loved him with everything I had and I was just an idiot thinking he would love me back. There was so many red flags but me being me I was to blinded in love.

Am I not good enough?

What's wrong with me?

Am I not pretty?

I'm just an ugly girl.

Probably just another bet.

Don't get your heartbroken y/n.

A: hey

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