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today we had school. i wasn't talking to my mom or isaac and they haven't talked to me either so.

"shit" i whispered to myself as i covered my hand that was dripping with blood.

i dropped the knife that was also covered with blood. it hurts like a bitch. i moved the orange that i failed to cut to the side and took a wet cloth.

"ouch ouch ouch" blood kept falling everywhere despite the fact that i put a cloth on my hand.

i grabbed my keys and left the quiet house. it was early in the morning anyway so i just decided to go to the hospital.

i parked in a spot and turned off my car then grabbed my phone and purse.

"e-excuse me i-i cut m-my hand with a k-knife" i showed him my hand and he instantly bought me to a room.

"are you suicidal" he asked while grabbing some stuff.

"no i-i was t-trying to cut a o-orange" idk why i was stuttering but i was.

"oh well this is some numbing" the doctor put a needle which made me flinch from the pain.

"ok there" he took it out and my arm went completely numbed.

"i need stitches don't i" i asked while a little disappointment in myself.

"yeah but don't worry you won't feel a thing" i nodded and went on my phone while he was stitching my wound close.

"anddddd all done" he sang after putting a wrap on my hand to my wrist.

"thank you do i need to pay or" i asked taking out some money.

"oh no you came on a good day" i put my money back in my wallet then put it in my purse.

"have a nice day" i said and heard "you too" then left the hospital.

"so he said to take a pill for the pain so" i said to myself. i grabbed my water bottle and threw the pill in my mouth then sallowed it down with water.

"hi sorry i was late i went to the hospital for" i said ro the front desk lady. i showed her my hand.

"you kids these days a reckless" the lady shook her head. i wasnt in the mood for arguing.

"here now go to class" i snatched the late pass out her hand and left the office.

luckily the halls were quiet and it was 3rd period which means i had my favorite teacher. mattia and kairi were in my class.

"y/n? why are you late" she asked calmly. most teachers would scream.

"i had to go to the hospital" i showed her my hand and she gasped.

"are you ok" i nodded and smiled.

"yeah but here" i said handing her my note. she took it and i went to sit at my seat.

"bitch what happened" mattia whispered.

"i was trying to cut an orange for breakfast when the fucking knife slipped and the bitch cut my hand so i had to get stitches" i said and mattia started laughing.

"fuck you" i slapped his arm while his shoulders started bouncing up and down.

"baby- y/n are you ok" fuck. i nodded and mattia stopped laughing.

"hold up kairi you called y/n- oh my god- you guys- damnnnnnn" my face got red so i looked away.

"don't you dare tell anyone" kairi pointed at him.

"talking or dating" mattia asked with his stupid smile.

"we are talking ok" i said.

"how long dude" he nudged kairi and pushed me.

"2 days" kairi put up ✌🏽 and smiled.

"ahh periodt" mattia smacked his head like girls with wigs. me and kairi started laughing so hard.


"bitch where- your hand dude" nailea said and looked at my covered hand.

"yeah heh about that-" i was speaking but nai cut me off.

"you were cutting an orange but slipped and cut your hand with the knife" i nodded and she sighed.

"how tf" alvaro asked amazed.

"she did it before what a dumbass" nailed answered, i rolled my eyes and sat next to kai.

"love birds" alvaro coughed out.

"what" alejandro asked.

"love birds" mattia coughed like alvaro.

"what how you know" alvaro questioned mattia.

"found out 3rd period" alvaro said "ohhhh" and smirked to kai and i.

"bro what are you bitches talking about" lily said frustrated.

"nothing" me and kairi yelled in synce.

"no fucking way" nai said almost laughing. shit she put 2 and 2 together. smart ass bitch.

"bro what" alejandro yelled with confusion.

"just tell us" lily said with ale agreeing with her.

"fine fine me and y/n are talking" kairi finally said. alejandro and lily gasped.

"i fucking knew it" nailea cheered with excitement.

a: i actually did cut myself with a knife trying to cut an orange😀✌🏽

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